Saturday, December 14, 2013

Ceasar's Thumb

Lord Nicholas Windsor's essay on the Culture of Death

First Things is published by The Institute on Religion and Public Life, an interreligious, nonpartisan research and education institute whose purpose is to advance a religiously informed public philosophy for the ordering of society.


I would like to emphasize that we must never mistake the secondary effects of this moral enormity for the primary, as this would surely be to instrumentalize the victims and fail again in our duty of respect toward them. It would be an absurdity such as if the real tragedy of the Shoah were felt first of all to lie in the social consequences. No, what we must first lament is the mass destruction of human beings who had first been deemed worthless. The fact in itself is what we must keep before our eyes, before and apart from our regard to anything that may derive from it.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Fr. Gerald Wilberforce, descendant of William, on abortion

from Lifesite News.... 
 William Wilberforce would be in the trenches with us, fighting to protect the unborn, if he were alive today.

Indeed, his great-great-grandson, Fr. Gerald Wilberforce, recently noted that “with the passage of time we look back in horror at how we devalued human life [through slavery]. I truly believe we will look back in years to come, repent and ask forgiveness for what we let happen to the unborn child.”

Saturday, July 13, 2013

'Oh Pul-eeze!'

Thank God the media are beginning to distance themselves a smidgen from the more extreme elements of the pro-choice side!
I have been on Huffington Post recently and commenting on the Wisconsin ultrasound requirement, and my I felt like I threw myself into the lion’s den.
But when I mentioned abortion survivors like Melissa Ohden, the replies were ‘oh pul-eeze’ and ‘anecdotal’ and I realized that pro-choicers do not know that there are abortion survivors and that they, with their supporters,  are maybe beginning to become a significant group of game-changers. Doubtless many pro-choicers do not want to know – but for those misguided but compassionate people who have drank the Kool-Aid, it can open their eyes.
I explained in more detail to the ‘oh pul-eezes’ etc – directing them to the website – and they had no more to say.
These survivors have a very powerful message. They were present at their mother’s choice. In many cases, as in failed surgical abortions, their mothers accepted the pregnancies eventually and a few have become their children’s champions and supporters.

I wish there was a way to publicize them more in the Media. They are living proof that there is a baby there.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Give the Wee Creature the Benefit of the Doubt

In the USA, unborn children undergoing surgery are given anesthetics because  the Science of Fetology shows that they are pain-capable.
The RCOG - Britains’s Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists –say that babies do not feel pain until they are born because they are not fully awake and writhing doesn’t necessarily mean pain. (2010)
But why do we even require proof of pain before administering a painkiller?  If there is any doubt at all about pain capability, if for no other reason because of our kindness and humanity, we should give the wee writhing creature the benefit of the doubt.
Writhing might mean something. Recoiling might mean something. A mouth opening wide might mean something. Rapid limb movement might mean something. Evasive actions might mean something.
The RCOG has been forced to do abortions in public hospitals since 1967. That is almost 50 years of abortion. For those doctors, perhaps the Truth is too Terrible to face.  As Lord Denning, an English Judge, said in another context (when 6 innocent men convicted of the Birmingham bombings were found to have been framed by the police) many years ago:
"This is such an appalling vista that every sensible person in the land would say that it cannot be right that these actions (i.e. allowing an appeal to overturn their convictions) should go any further."
Perhaps the RCOG feel the same way as Lord Denning.
I worked as a midwife in a public hospital in England many years ago. Every Monday was ‘termination day’. The OB/GYN came into work angry and stayed angry the entire morning. He hated Mondays for a good reason.

I will post some researched refutations of the RCOG finding.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Pray hard for Ireland - 'The Jewel in the Crown' of the Pro-life movement

Melissa Ohden, with her daughter.
Melissa survived an abortion when she was picked out of the trash
Ireland's law will target babies like Melissa.
Pray hard for the ‘Jewel in the Crown’ of the Pro-life Movement

This name was given to Ireland by Planned Parenthood. But now Ireland, cracking under pressure and jibes and mockery from external and internal pro-choice groups, and aided by well-meaning but misguided people in that they have never seen film of an unborn child struggle and try to escape the curette, needle or forceps, is about to legalize abortion behind a smokescreen law. This may undo 30 years hard work of the pro-life movement. Ireland is one of the safest countries in the world to be pregnant in, and that has been shown over and over again. Safer than the USA. Safer than India.This law is a big mistake! Please pray for Ireland! 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Do you live near Dearborn, MI?

11:00AM TO 12:30PM


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Save Babies Born Alive - it is the LAW

This isn't about Choice. It is the Law since 2002 that babies born alive after abortion MUST be given medical care. So snipping their spinal cords, plunging an instrument into the skull, or twisting the heads of live babies is infanticide. (what kind of brute would do this anyway?)
And Dr. Douglas Karpen? He's a free man.
I used to be a midwife. Labor is unpredictable. Some women deliver quickly. So it is not a stretch of the imagination to say that all clinics where mid to late term abortions are performed have their share of babies born alive. How many of these are transferred to the Hospital? Almost none, if any. They are either killed or left to die - and being left to die is also against the Law, because these babies are supposed to be transferred to a Special Care Nursery, immediately.
No abortion clinic wants ambulances and sirens.
Some doctors inject KCL into babies hearts before they begin the labor. But doctors don't like doing this. They have to stalk the baby around the womb. They baby, or fetus, or little one, doesn't want to co-operate. She tries to avoid the needle. She will move away, she doesn't like this sharp, scratchy thing that may have grazed her thigh, her arm, her chest, her face, and is still coming to get her.

Douglas Karpen - The Texas Gosnell

Another Gosnell. We in the pro-life movement have known for decades about these abuses; but who would listen? Babies are being murdered at abortion clinics. I mean like Gosnell used to do it, outside the womb. Killing Newborns.
Ex-employees are speaking out to LifeNews. This is a real problem in late-term abortion clinics; babies ARE born alive, then killed or left to die. And our President thinks that leaving them to die is OK, cos he voted 3 times against giving medical help to babies born alive, where the intent was to have them come out dead.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Abortion Survivors - Media don't want to know

In the recent debate about babies born alive after abortions, one would think that the media would try to find some. They are out there, grown up and ready to talk. Their opinions should surely be heard, after all, they were directly involved. But it seems this rejection by society is carrying over into their adult lives as well, and how sad and bad that is...almost as if the mainstream medis whispers: they are not supposed to be here. We don't want to know. 
Piers Morgan had Gloria Allred on again to give her opinion about the Gosnell case. Gloria Allred, again. I have nothing against Allred, except her lipstick. She has suffered trauma and she has her point of view. I just wish she would be at least a little compassionate towards unwanted unborn babies as well as their moms.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Pray for Ireland

The Irish people do not want abortion legalized.  Other countries, sick of the carnage, the tears and the tragedies, disturbed by the very visible (on ultrasound) distresss of the little one during abortion, the born-alive newborns left to die or stabbed in the neck, the deeply regretful bereaved mothers and father and grandparents, are trying to reverse the abortion laws - and Ireland has been besieged for decades now by the strong pro-choice lobby, aided by the media, and financed by international abortion groups...maternal death is very rare in Ireland and there is no necessity for abortion to save a mother's life. You can end the pregnancy at any time to save a mother's life and try to save the newborn if he or she is viable. You don't have to attack the baby to end a life-threatening pregnancy.
Please pray for Ireland.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

unPlanned by Abby Johnson

I read Abby Johnson's book 'unPlanned' at the weekend. I bought it in Barnes and Noble Friday night when I went there for quiche and coffee. (dinner). I had a bit of trouble locating the book because it was tucked away in the religion section; whereas I thought it was more of a memoir or a women's issue subject. With the help of an associate I found it.
The story is Amazing. Moving. and Tragic too.

Friday, April 26, 2013

How many more Investigations?

I have worked in Health Care for decades now and am convinced that these incidents are the tip of the Iceberg. I can't tell you how many times I have been saddened by the stories of long-term complications of abortions. Perforations, Infertility etc. The Privacy Laws prevent me from saying more.

2 Women rushed to Hospital

I couldn't tell you how ridiculously unsafe it was," Ms. Mitchell-Werbrich said.
  • "He didn't wear gloves. He didn't believe he needed to wear them," she added about a particular doctor. "Planned Parenthood needs to close its doors, it's needs to be cleaned up, the staff needs to be trained."

  • News from the Susan B. Anthony List

    • President Obama just abruptly canceled his keynote speech scheduled for tomorrow night at Planned Parenthood’s Gala.
    • Kermit Gosnell’s attorney is making arguments that crossed the line into the absurd and won’t call his own client as a witness.
    • News has broken that Planned Parenthood is under investigation in Delaware for Gosnell-like practices, and an abortion business was just shut down in Ohio for unsanitary conditions.
    "President Obama swapping a Planned Parenthood fundraising gala Thursday night for an address on Friday shows that while he is certainly willing to avoid a photo of him at an abortion party while the nation mourns, he still refuses to distance himself from the nation’s No. 1 abortion provider and an industry that preys on women and defenseless children as exposed through the Gosnell trial and other atrocities,” quote from Ms Rose (Live Action) as reported in Washington Times.

    Saturday, April 20, 2013

    3801 Lancaster

    First, God is Merciful and Forgives - we need to pray for this Doctor. It's hard I know. But Jesus loves him too.
    3801 Lancaster.
    Gosnell made a lot of money from poor women and broke a lot of women’s bodies. The above has the Testimonies of women and police. There's the woman who was coached to think that abortion was an acceptable form of birth control. (She had 8 abortions in Gosnell's clinic, and when she wanted to conceive found she could not.)
    There’s the story of the clinic worker, told in court, who played with the newborn before killing it.
    Sadly, we only tolerate abortion because we believe the lies.
    1st: the 'blob of tissue' lie - (used before the days of ultrasound scans, and still used for young, uneducated women, to describe a human fetus with arm and legs, fingers and toes etc.)
    2nd: 'It won't feel anything' See an ultrasound of an abortion. The foetus reacts like you or I would if assaulted with a deadly weapon. It is horrific to watch because you witness a murder).
    (women who got saline abortions reported the fetus thrashing around inside them while dying, Pain? Joy? Just exercising his limbs?)
    Does any journalist have the Courage to consult the adult survivors of abortions? They are surely entitled to voice their opinions; as they were directly involved. There’s Melissa and Josiah and Claire and Sarah and Gianna and more. Meet them at
    Sadly, there are not that many survivors, because the saline burns, the instruments are sharp and the vacuum powerful.
    Good, Decent People of the World, please, please wake up. We have made a terrible mistake! There has to be more humane, gentler way to help women in crisis pregnancies! A civilised society should see abortion in the same light as putting a kitten into a food processor. I am very sorry for the imagery; the result is the same, except we are doing this to our own species. Abortion is a horrible act and women are being misled!
    It is ok to backtrack and be wrong - precedents have been set - Dr. Bernard Nathanson, Abortionist turned pro-life advocate; Norma McCorvey of RoevWade here in USA; and many others.

    Friday, April 19, 2013

    Why is Kermit Gosnell not Front Page News?

    To sum up, this story has numerous elements any one of which would normally make it a major story. And setting aside conventions, which are flawed, this ought to be a big story on the merits.

    Says Kirsten Powers in her USA Today op-ed, "Let me state the obvious. This should be front page news. When Rush Limbaugh attacked Sandra Fluke, there was non-stop media hysteria. The venerable NBC Nightly News' Brian Williams intoned, 'A firestorm of outrage from women after a crude tirade from Rush Limbaugh,' as he teased a segment on the brouhaha. Yet, accusations of babies having their heads severed -- a major human rights story if there ever was one -- doesn't make the cut."

    Monday, April 15, 2013

    Kermit Gosnell House of Horrors

    His name is Kermit Gosnell. He ran an abortion clinic in PA. If a baby was born alive, he finished the job with a sharp instrument. His patients and ex-employees are testifying against him. Kermit Gosnell has come to the attention of the media. Perhaps the egregious activities in many abortion clinics will be reported now that the Taboo has been breached. Babies born alive are not uncommon after an abortion. There is even a Survivors Network. Unfortunately President Obama voted three times against the Infant Born Alive Act. He thinks these babies should be left to die of neglect. Some babies, discarded, cry…like Melissa Ohden, whose opinion about abortion you can guess. And since she was directly involved, surely she should be heard. I like some things about Obama, and I think there is hope yet that he will come around to believing that a human being cannot be considered non-human, or half or three-quarters or five-eights human, as people of his race were once considered to be.

    Wednesday, March 27, 2013

    What Abby Saw

    Abby Johnson, former director of a Planned Parenthood facility in Texas, was asked to hold the ultrasound transducer on a patient's abdomen during a 13-week termination of pregnancy. She had to watch the screen to make sure she had it in the right spot, and what she saw there was a baby whose reactions clearly showed terror as the instrument stabbed it, same as you or me if we were being attacked. Her horror grew over the next minutes as she watched the little one die before her eyes. and she left the room in a state of shock, never to return to that job.
    She had never known.
    Abby Johnson wrote the book unPlanned.

    Society, what have I done?
    The greatest criminals obtain a merciful end,

    But for me, none.
    Maire Flannery,
    no copyright

    Saturday, March 9, 2013

    Baby Bump

    It is called a baby bump because there is a baby inside. Otherwise, it would be called a fetus bump.

    Wednesday, February 13, 2013

    Informed Choice better than just Choice

    Reproduced from the National Pro-Life Alliance.

    They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

    And studies show that between seventy and ninety percent of women who see a sonogram of their unborn baby choose life and reject abortion.

    What's more, abortionists know it.

    That's why abortionists typically refuse to show ultrasound images to women, although they virtually always use it themselves to perform abortions

    The fact is sonograms show an incredibly powerful image and can mean instant "conversion."

    That's what happened to Planned Parenthood Director Abby Johnson who, when asked to assist with an ultrasound-guided abortion, looked on in absolute horror, watching the 13 week baby fight, but ultimately lose its life.

    Abby was so appalled that she resigned her position as a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic director and became a pro-life activist and author.

    That's why National Pro-Life Alliance members and other pro-lifers have and
    will continue to push for laws requiring abortionists to show women an ultrasound image of their unborn baby before performing an abortion.

    The good news is that twenty-one states have now passed such laws and a federal law has been introduced to do the same thing nationally

    Monday, January 28, 2013


    Saw 'Lincoln'. Great movie! I was comparing the fight for freedom for slaves as being similar to the fight we have today to consider all unborn humans having equal rights.
    You see some, if killed, are considered murder victims.
    What is the difference if one is killed by an assailant wielding a gun, or a medic weilding a curette?
    Unborn babies are people too and the unwanted as well as the wanted have a right to be born.

    Thursday, January 24, 2013


    An unplanned pregnancy may often be a crisis, but everyone hates abortion, even the most ardent pro-choice people (whose views I respect) have that view. So we are all happy that having a mom look at an ultrasound of her fetus before she makes up her mind about abortion usually results in no abortion! How happy that should make everybody who hates abortion.

    There have been a few abortion survivors and surely they, grown now, need to be listened to. After all, they were directly involved. One survivor had recurrent nightmares of being in the womb and being attacked - as a teen, she found out that her mother had had an abortion that failed.
    Another had recurrent nightmares that she was trying to hide in her room from a large knife that approached her. Another was born alive and rescued from a trash can after she cried.
    They are persons now, and they were persons then.

    GOD holds out His mericful and loving arms to all of us harmed by this.

    Wednesday, January 23, 2013


    Ireland is one of the safest countries in the world to have a baby. The easiest figures for me to lay my hands on for this blog are from 2010: Ireland: 6 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births;
    the figure for the USA is 20 -

    CSPAN brought us the recent proceedings from Dáil Eireann (the Irish Parliament) which involved Obstetricians explaining their role in protecting a mother's life in pregnancy when there is a serious medical issue. This is in the wake of the very tragic death of Savita Halappanavar in an Irish hospital; the pro-choice lobby point to Ireland's politicians failure to legislate on the 1993 X Case as a contributing cause of  death.

    So what is a doctor to do when faced with an obstetric emergency? If the only option to save the mother is to terminate the pregnancy, they do that.

    'We never kill babies,' emphasized the very impressive Dr. Rhona Mahoney, Master of one of Ireland biggest Maternitiy Hospitals, The National Maternity Hospital (commonly known as Holles St) in Dublin, in response to a question from the Floor of the House. Holles St. is the busiest maternity hospital in Ireland.

    Dr. Mahoney went on to say that it happens that she and her colleagues have to terminate pregnancies early because of a risk to a mother's life, but that the baby is given every care available. Unfortunately, sometimes the baby is just too young and small to live.
    I can't tell you how refreshing it was to hear a discussion about crisis or problem pregnancies where the word 'baby' is not taboo.
    And KUDOS to Irish OBs - the professionalism of the Team who gave their presentations - Dr. Rhona Mahoney, Dr. Sam Coulter-Smith, Master of the Rotunda Hospital and Dr. Mary McCaffrey from Tralee Hospital, County Kerry, was evident. Their love for their patients and their dedicatation to Mothers and Babies was there for the world to see.
    Watch the Full Session here