Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What Abby Saw

Abby Johnson, former director of a Planned Parenthood facility in Texas, was asked to hold the ultrasound transducer on a patient's abdomen during a 13-week termination of pregnancy. She had to watch the screen to make sure she had it in the right spot, and what she saw there was a baby whose reactions clearly showed terror as the instrument stabbed it, same as you or me if we were being attacked. Her horror grew over the next minutes as she watched the little one die before her eyes. and she left the room in a state of shock, never to return to that job.
She had never known.
Abby Johnson wrote the book unPlanned.

Society, what have I done?
The greatest criminals obtain a merciful end,

But for me, none.
Maire Flannery,
no copyright

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Baby Bump

It is called a baby bump because there is a baby inside. Otherwise, it would be called a fetus bump.