Tuesday, April 30, 2013

unPlanned by Abby Johnson

I read Abby Johnson's book 'unPlanned' at the weekend. I bought it in Barnes and Noble Friday night when I went there for quiche and coffee. (dinner). I had a bit of trouble locating the book because it was tucked away in the religion section; whereas I thought it was more of a memoir or a women's issue subject. With the help of an associate I found it.
The story is Amazing. Moving. and Tragic too.

Friday, April 26, 2013

How many more Investigations?

I have worked in Health Care for decades now and am convinced that these incidents are the tip of the Iceberg. I can't tell you how many times I have been saddened by the stories of long-term complications of abortions. Perforations, Infertility etc. The Privacy Laws prevent me from saying more.

2 Women rushed to Hospital

I couldn't tell you how ridiculously unsafe it was," Ms. Mitchell-Werbrich said.
  • "He didn't wear gloves. He didn't believe he needed to wear them," she added about a particular doctor. "Planned Parenthood needs to close its doors, it's needs to be cleaned up, the staff needs to be trained."

  • News from the Susan B. Anthony List

    • President Obama just abruptly canceled his keynote speech scheduled for tomorrow night at Planned Parenthood’s Gala.
    • Kermit Gosnell’s attorney is making arguments that crossed the line into the absurd and won’t call his own client as a witness.
    • News has broken that Planned Parenthood is under investigation in Delaware for Gosnell-like practices, and an abortion business was just shut down in Ohio for unsanitary conditions.
    "President Obama swapping a Planned Parenthood fundraising gala Thursday night for an address on Friday shows that while he is certainly willing to avoid a photo of him at an abortion party while the nation mourns, he still refuses to distance himself from the nation’s No. 1 abortion provider and an industry that preys on women and defenseless children as exposed through the Gosnell trial and other atrocities,” quote from Ms Rose (Live Action) as reported in Washington Times.

    Saturday, April 20, 2013

    3801 Lancaster

    First, God is Merciful and Forgives - we need to pray for this Doctor. It's hard I know. But Jesus loves him too.
    3801 Lancaster. http://3801lancaster.com
    Gosnell made a lot of money from poor women and broke a lot of women’s bodies. The above has the Testimonies of women and police. There's the woman who was coached to think that abortion was an acceptable form of birth control. (She had 8 abortions in Gosnell's clinic, and when she wanted to conceive found she could not.)
    There’s the story of the clinic worker, told in court, who played with the newborn before killing it.
    Sadly, we only tolerate abortion because we believe the lies.
    1st: the 'blob of tissue' lie - (used before the days of ultrasound scans, and still used for young, uneducated women, to describe a human fetus with arm and legs, fingers and toes etc.)
    2nd: 'It won't feel anything' See an ultrasound of an abortion. The foetus reacts like you or I would if assaulted with a deadly weapon. It is horrific to watch because you witness a murder).
    (women who got saline abortions reported the fetus thrashing around inside them while dying, Pain? Joy? Just exercising his limbs?)
    Does any journalist have the Courage to consult the adult survivors of abortions? They are surely entitled to voice their opinions; as they were directly involved. There’s Melissa and Josiah and Claire and Sarah and Gianna and more. Meet them at  http://www.theabortionsurvivors.com/
    Sadly, there are not that many survivors, because the saline burns, the instruments are sharp and the vacuum powerful.
    Good, Decent People of the World, please, please wake up. We have made a terrible mistake! There has to be more humane, gentler way to help women in crisis pregnancies! A civilised society should see abortion in the same light as putting a kitten into a food processor. I am very sorry for the imagery; the result is the same, except we are doing this to our own species. Abortion is a horrible act and women are being misled!  http://www.silentnomoreawareness.org/
    It is ok to backtrack and be wrong - precedents have been set - Dr. Bernard Nathanson, Abortionist turned pro-life advocate; Norma McCorvey of RoevWade here in USA; and many others.

    Friday, April 19, 2013

    Why is Kermit Gosnell not Front Page News?

    To sum up, this story has numerous elements any one of which would normally make it a major story. And setting aside conventions, which are flawed, this ought to be a big story on the merits.

    Says Kirsten Powers in her USA Today op-ed, "Let me state the obvious. This should be front page news. When Rush Limbaugh attacked Sandra Fluke, there was non-stop media hysteria. The venerable NBC Nightly News' Brian Williams intoned, 'A firestorm of outrage from women after a crude tirade from Rush Limbaugh,' as he teased a segment on the brouhaha. Yet, accusations of babies having their heads severed -- a major human rights story if there ever was one -- doesn't make the cut."

    Monday, April 15, 2013

    Kermit Gosnell House of Horrors

    His name is Kermit Gosnell. He ran an abortion clinic in PA. If a baby was born alive, he finished the job with a sharp instrument. His patients and ex-employees are testifying against him. Kermit Gosnell has come to the attention of the media. Perhaps the egregious activities in many abortion clinics will be reported now that the Taboo has been breached. Babies born alive are not uncommon after an abortion. There is even a Survivors Network. Unfortunately President Obama voted three times against the Infant Born Alive Act. He thinks these babies should be left to die of neglect. Some babies, discarded, cry…like Melissa Ohden, whose opinion about abortion you can guess. And since she was directly involved, surely she should be heard. http://www.melissaohden.com I like some things about Obama, and I think there is hope yet that he will come around to believing that a human being cannot be considered non-human, or half or three-quarters or five-eights human, as people of his race were once considered to be.