Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sisters of Providence


The Sisters of Providence in Portland OR are true to their pro-life Heritage. Fair dues to them, it takes real courage to go against the tide of public opinion and stand up for Life.

Testimony from former abortion workers

Testimonies from former abortion workers, all verified, by Mary Meehan


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Kermit Gosnell Movie smashing records for donations


Information about the movie available at the above link.

Pray for him, Jesus loves him too. He was created to accomplish better things than what he did. He made horrible choices.

40 Days for Life

Though active in the pro-life movement for a long time, today was the first oportunity I had to attend a 40 Days for Life vigil outside an abortion clinic.

It was peaceful, prayerful and very encouraging. Many cars passed, many people waved from them in approval. One kid with loud music blaring from a sports car gave us a happy greeting.

Americans are sick to death of how cheap life has become.

Some of the retired people there do not stop coming after the 40 Days are over. They come all year round, rain or shine.