Friday, March 27, 2015

It's Friday. Sunday's comin'!

Reflection by Fr. Frank Pavone

This meditation, based on a sermon I once heard, is adapted for pro-life concerns.

It’s Friday. Jesus is on the cross. He has been killed by his enemies; he is off the scene.

But thats because its Friday. Sundays comin!

It’s Friday. Abortionists continue their work 3,300 times a day, tearing off the arms and legs of little babies and crushing their heads.

But thats because its Friday. Sundays comin!
It’s Friday. Pro-abortion groups receive blood money from billionaires who are as deceived as they are.

But thats because its Friday. Sundays comin!
It’s Friday. Liars attempt to speak for all women and hide the pain of abortion, and ignore the evidence of how it harms women, and call abortion a blessing.

But thats because its Friday. Sundays comin!
It’s Friday. People of hardened hearts guard the clinics and usher desperate women in to have their abortions, while keeping them from the pro-life people who want to give them hope.

But thats because its Friday. Sundays comin!
Hope does not mean that we ignore or minimize the evils around us. It means, rather, that we see the whole picture, which is that evil is conquered because of what happened one Sunday morning.

We are called to proclaim, celebrate, and serve that victory, waiting in joyful hope for Christs return and the full flowering of the Culture of Life!

Indeed, Sunday’s comin!

10,000 Babies and their moms saved

10,000 Babies saved from abortion since 40 Days for Life began in 2007.

What a Wonderful Easter we will have, this Movement is growing...and growing...and growing...
This works! 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

40 Days for Life on St. Patrick's Day.

We had a great Venue for our St. Patrick's Day 40 Days for Life, because Planned Parenthood moved last year to the street behind an Irish Pub! A lot of people saw us today on their way in.
Not all of our viewers were positive. One young lady blocked our prettiest baby picture with her car, then came and yelled at us some, 'What about the babies in Africa? Why don't you help them?' We were able to tell her that we do help them, and i offered that i spent 2 years without pay helping 3rd world poor. But where there is hostility, there is often great hurt...we have to keep that in mind. Who knew her background?
Prolife people have a poor image, and it's the media's fault. 40 Days for Life have been around since 2007, get almost no coverage, and we get a LOT of flak from pro-aborts. We give none back, only offer words of love and support.
So we told her we loved her.
But she was no trouble compared to the lady last week; who screamed at us, effed and blinded us up and down. However, I ended up having a drink with her in the Irish pub! We agreed that God accepts us all just the way we are...she needs prayer, because she is hurting deeply.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Unresolved Grief following Abortion

Does it make anybody mad that the abortion lobby totally ignore the issue of unresolved grief following abortion? I saw Dr. Christensen's video who, while the nurse was making sure that they got all the baby's face out, remarked that the girl whose baby he had just hacked to pieces can now 'get on with her life.'
This makes me mad. Society had just given this girl permission to do this to her 20-week unborn child. She thought it was OK, evidently. If she had seen the baby's face with his tortured expression clearly evident, his eye torn out of the socket, she would have hated how she had been deceived. 
I hope she never finds out. Even so, the reality of that child will hit her someday, unless she tries to stave it off by running from it, and incurring a case of Unresolved Grief in the process, with it's depression, addiction and rage.
It's just one of the abortion lobby's dirty secrets that women suffer from grief after an abortion. I mean, how can you grieve for a blob of tissue? A produce of conception? 
The Abortion Lobby survives on deceit. Women deserve better.
As for Dr. Christensen, I am convinced that he hasn't done this young woman any favor at all.
Before you watch, this is graphic and distressing video.

resources for unresolved grief issues