carried a heartrending story about a mother who discovered she was carrying a baby with an unspecified unfixable birth defect, and who chose to go to England to terminate the pregnancy. Written just three days after she returned home, grief poured out of her heart, carrying her deep trauma, including blame - blame on the Irish people for not allowing her to abort her sick babe in Ireland.
It is a tragic story, and one that deserved to be heard.
As a midwife, I think I may have guessed what the defect might have been, and if I'm right, it can inspire great fear, and up to recently, has been unfixable. But I feel that the mother made the decision in too much haste. She said she 'worked in the medical field' but also speaks of a defect visible to even her 'untrained eye.' If it is the defect I am thinking of, it can be and has been fixed by Foetal Surgery. Oh God, didn't she have any counselling?
I feel wretchedly for this woman.
But her history was, of course, exploited to the fullest extent by the pro-choice lobby. I want to say to them there are tragic stories on the other side, that are not reported in the media. I have read hundreds of them. (and even witnessed a few during my time working in England) Testimonies of coercion, at being forcibly held down after changing ones mind, of delivering body parts later at home, of blaming and shaming by clinic staff, of harsh, rough doctors, of an abortionist's nasty rants against 'ugly (racial epithet) babies; of babies born alive and left to die cold and alone; of pathology students disturbed by the faces of aborted babies; strangled born-alives; Dr. Kermit Gosnell (ever heard of him? Abortion doctor and serial killer - serving life in the USA for murdering babies who survived). There are stories in plenty of mothers with perforated uteri, cervical incompetence leading to premature births later, of young women left sterile, of despair and suicidal feelings, of survivors who are now grown up and would like their stories heard - there are thousands of testimonies about how abortion harms women and children, and I haven't even started. But try to make them public, and one is met by a wall of silence, or accused of 'emotiveness' 'anti-choice' 'making it up' and even 'hating women'!
To, I would say 'Balance, please!' For every heartbreaking story on the prochoice side, let's have a heartbreaking one on the prolife side. I can supply you with sources and what we are to expect in Irish hospitals and clinics if abortion is liberalised here. Incidents as I described, meant to be kept secret, seep out from abortion hospitals and clinics in every country where it is legal and liberal. If that's what you want for Ireland...continue the way you are going. But do keep in mind that abortion is an Industry, and sees our little island as an untapped market.
For some of these sources, see, 'they said it' run by Sarah Terzo, athiest and member of PLAGAL, a US gay and lesbian prolife group.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Educating Tweeter
The more I talk to, listen to, dialog and debate with
prochoice people, the more I realize that they don’t really know what an abortion
They know that the embryo or fetus is removed from the womb.
Whether it’s a life or not – they differ on this point.
But the procedure itself? A great deal of ignorance
surrounds it, and that’s not surprising, because it’s a Taboo. Abortion clinic websites talk blithely of the uterus being emptied
via a thin tube, and products of conception being removed, and the rest is just
like your period.
The Feisty Tweeter who I am currently in a dialogue with
thinks that Melissa Ohden’s birth records are faked, and she told me that
because her birth records say ‘born prematurely’
it proves that there was no abortion. So, she reasons, Melissa's mother is 'an anti-choice nut' as are any parents who back up survivor stories.
They made it all up.
Sigh. It isn’t her fault; that I know, though Feisty Tweeter's imagination ran riot.
All it takes is to explain the medical record to a lay person. My qualification - I trained and practiced as a midwife. I realize it must be difficult for a lay-person and they tend to zone in on Terminology familiar to them, that they can understand, and rely on that. Like the term 'premature birth.' Everybody knows what that is - a baby born too early.
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The Record from August 29 1977 |
But just a few
lines up from the phrase 'premature birth', the Neonatologist wrote that ‘Saline Infusion was done for an abortion but was
unsuccessful’. What I have been trying
to explain to Feisty Tweeter is that this Infusion was meant to kill the fetus.
Then the fetus would be delivered dead. And that would be an Abortion. But the
fetus did not die, and after labor was induced to expel what they thought would be a dead body, she was born alive, and yes, ‘born prematurely’ as the
record correctly says, because it was well before 40 weeks.
‘Having an abortion’ means that the baby has to be
deliberately killed while still inside the mother. Technically
all abortions result in a birth. The vast majority of these ‘births’ are of a small
dead human being, usually in pieces, or intact with the signs of the method of
killing upon the head or chest – big needle-mark, huge purple swelling.
I will be saying a lot more about the need to educate people.
The mainstream media isn’t going to do it for us!
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Thanks to Tweeter!
She has a Wisdom not found in many people.
I watched Gianna Jessen whose speech I came by on a prochoice Twitter account (Tweeter doesn't believe in abortion survivors and put it up there with some mocking comments) Gianna is so feisty and funny impressive! Gosh she is not at all afraid to be herself! Her honesty is beautiful.
I don't agree with her very strong views on Government Health care, I was raised in it and worked in it for over 20 years - there are many misconceptions about it, mostly put out by Republicans, sorry, Republican follwers/readers. But what I am saying is true.
I suspect in fact she would have done better in Foster Care in Ireland in the 80's.. I worked as a public health nurse (Government run) and as a baby at risk, I would've visited her home very often from the time she would have come home from the hospital, to check on her welfare and development. She would not have languished in a bad home for 17 months if I had had anything to do with her. All of my colleagues would have done the same, we were all committed, and we cared.
We visited every child born, regularly, for 5 years. We were not there to 'interfere' but to be a support person and a resource for the mother. Gianna would have been nearly top on my list along with other children considered at risk. It is a good system - or was before the Downturn, I don't know what it is like now 20 years later.
I watched Gianna Jessen whose speech I came by on a prochoice Twitter account (Tweeter doesn't believe in abortion survivors and put it up there with some mocking comments) Gianna is so feisty and funny impressive! Gosh she is not at all afraid to be herself! Her honesty is beautiful.
I don't agree with her very strong views on Government Health care, I was raised in it and worked in it for over 20 years - there are many misconceptions about it, mostly put out by Republicans, sorry, Republican follwers/readers. But what I am saying is true.
I suspect in fact she would have done better in Foster Care in Ireland in the 80's.. I worked as a public health nurse (Government run) and as a baby at risk, I would've visited her home very often from the time she would have come home from the hospital, to check on her welfare and development. She would not have languished in a bad home for 17 months if I had had anything to do with her. All of my colleagues would have done the same, we were all committed, and we cared.
We visited every child born, regularly, for 5 years. We were not there to 'interfere' but to be a support person and a resource for the mother. Gianna would have been nearly top on my list along with other children considered at risk. It is a good system - or was before the Downturn, I don't know what it is like now 20 years later.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Born Alives and Botched Abortions never happen?
I saw this question about botched abortions and babies born alive in the comments section of a newspaper recently. The questioner is replying to a comment.
The questioner doubted the existence of babies born alive and wanted 'proof' of same.
I can answer that:
Check out this website www.the
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Melissa Ohden with her daughter |
There are also survivors of early abortions.
There's Claire - her twin was suctioned out but the doctor forgot to check for another baby; her mother (to whom she is close now) backs up her history. Josiah Pressley runs 'Abolish Abortion' website; he was injured most likely by the curette, the instrument they use to scrape the body out.
Ms. Ohden
knows about 200 survivors but many, for fear of backlash and hostile mail, do
not want to be public. There are the babies, and there are many more
growing up now who will want to be heard in the future. They are the brave survivors the mainstream media don't want to know. Most born-alives die unattended, or are killed (Dr.Kermit
Gosnell in prison for murder for this - heard of him?. probably not as the
Irish media are very careful not to report abortion atrocities) Just the other
day I heard of a baby left to die over night in a room by herself; the nurse
attending the abortion committed suicide two days later. Abortion is chock-full
of victims, many of them women, like the
girl I know of who changed her mind - well she was forcibly held down. Check
out this run by Sarah Terzo, a member of PLAG - a gay prolife group. Sarah collects quotes from doctors, nurses, women and it's full of victims -
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Ireland's Minister for Children Kathryn Zappone has called for more liberal abortion laws. Yes, this is the Minister for Children! Read the article:
I wrote a comment on the website, but I can't find the comments section today, however, so my comment never appeared. It had a 'pending' status after I wrote it early this morning. Is it possible they keep them for only 2 days? The comments were negative in the main, they don't have a Bias, do they? Happily I have gotten into the habit of writing longish comments in Word and copying and pasting to the website, a, because it is easier to write and edit them that way and b. so that I have a record of what I wrote. Here it is:
I wrote a comment on the website, but I can't find the comments section today, however, so my comment never appeared. It had a 'pending' status after I wrote it early this morning. Is it possible they keep them for only 2 days? The comments were negative in the main, they don't have a Bias, do they? Happily I have gotten into the habit of writing longish comments in Word and copying and pasting to the website, a, because it is easier to write and edit them that way and b. so that I have a record of what I wrote. Here it is:
The Minister for Children should see the documentary ‘HUSH’
by Canadian Punam Kumar Gill, a Prochoice journalist who was curious as to how
the myth about abortion harming women came about. She was curious also as to
why premature births are on the rise. What she found was that there is a direct
link between surgical abortion and subsequent premature birth. This was a surprise to her, but not to many
who know that this is borne out by several independent studies. The Minister
for Children should want to prevent premature births, yes or no? Is Ms. Zappone
even aware of this link? It is there and it seems totally wrong for her to call
for more abortion instead of less.
Unfortunately, Miss Gill also found a great resistance to
tackle this elephant in the room, because of – of course - political
correctness! HUSH is so titled for a reason. Gill was also curious as to why 5
states in the USA required a women considering abortion to be informed of the
link between abortion and breast cancer. This was a crazy anti-choice religious
zealot idea! There is no link, right? Wrong. The science shows otherwise.
HUSHed again. Political Correctness is now the Enemy of Women, and the film is at Ms Zappone, please watch! You will never call for more liberal
abortion again, because even if you think a human unborn is not a child (!) and
therefore not your responsibility, babies born too early clearly are.
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Pro-Information has speakers who are pro-choice, others who are pro-life, and others who are pro-information. This means pro-Truth. Truthful Information to be given to a woman considering abortion.
Radical Pro-choicers block every attempt to give women information. Planned Parenthood's website still stays that 'abortion is a safe and legal way to end a pregnancy.'
They have information about the link between abortion and breast cancer which is sadly outdated according to the nformation in Gill's documentary. The truth is HUSHed.
I would like to see Planned Parenthood's response to the documentary 'HUSH' by Punam Kumar Gill.
We are waiting.
Radical Pro-choicers block every attempt to give women information. Planned Parenthood's website still stays that 'abortion is a safe and legal way to end a pregnancy.'
They have information about the link between abortion and breast cancer which is sadly outdated according to the nformation in Gill's documentary. The truth is HUSHed.
I would like to see Planned Parenthood's response to the documentary 'HUSH' by Punam Kumar Gill.
We are waiting.
Monday, July 18, 2016
PROCHOICE Documentary uncovers serious risks to post-abortive women
The 8th Amendment to the Irish Constitution may well have protected thousands of pregnant Irishwomen from breast cancer and possible subsequent premature birth, as well as psychological issues like prolonged grief and self-destructive behavior.
Prolife people know abortion kills babies and is bad for women. There are people who do not believe either fact, but the documentary will convince them of at least one of these. This research is not about the harm to the baby during an abortion; the woman journalist is pro-choice, and she was very disturbed at what she found about the effects of abortion on women - and the silence surrounding these known effects - hence the film title.
The 8th Amendment to the Irish Constitution may well have protected thousands of pregnant Irishwomen from breast cancer and possible subsequent premature birth, as well as psychological issues like prolonged grief and self-destructive behavior.
Prolife people know abortion kills babies and is bad for women. There are people who do not believe either fact, but the documentary will convince them of at least one of these. This research is not about the harm to the baby during an abortion; the woman journalist is pro-choice, and she was very disturbed at what she found about the effects of abortion on women - and the silence surrounding these known effects - hence the film title.
This documentary made me sad and angry. It even made me cry, when I saw tiny premature babies fighting for their lives. What has premature birth got to do with abortion? A great deal, it seems. Surgical abortion, where an instrument is inserted vaginally into the womb, has to widen the entrance to the womb, an opening called the cervix. This mechanical widening can weaken the cervix, causing subsequent pregnancies to end early, resulting in an unviable or very challenged preemie who has a long and difficult road to travel to get healthily to that date when she would have been full-term. The connection between surgical abortion and prematurity is pretty well KNOWN after several studies, but are women informed of this, before a surgical abortion? What about their 2nd or 3rd abortion, when the risk greatly increases? No. In fact, a women checking in for an abortion has signed her consent ever before she sees the doctor. Former abortionist Dr. Everett admits to Gill that she did not want to talk to a woman before her abortion.
And worse, Neonatologists - those Pediatricians specializing in Newborn Care - have been silenced by the Surgeon General's Office on this issue. Not allowed to speak, at a convention designed to investigate the rise in premature births! Women and babies betrayed again! The footage is there.
The sorry tale goes on - Abortion and Breast Cancer - the link is clear. Shame on the National Cancer Institute, who refer to their Workshop in 2003 (13 years ago!) to deny any connection.Their response to this documentary is a very weak rehashing of the above, when the studies were flawed, the demographics were inadequate, and - again - as Gill shows to great effect in the documentary - dissident voices were effectively silenced.
They didn't want to know. They still don't want to know. Politics is killing women.
Politicians accept donations from abortion doctors; a contributor to Sarah Terzo's 'Clinic Quotes - They Said It' website used to work for the late Dr. Tiller. She used to write big checks to certain politicians of one political party. Planned Parenthood? Don't get me started! See STOPP
So Women, what now? How do we beat this imposed silence? How do we mobilize women to demand access to proper information? How do we make women politicians who claim to speak for women take note and take action?
Monday, June 6, 2016
'The Truth is powerful and will prevail.'
I didn't even know there was something called 'The Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice' but there is and the United Methodist Church was a founding member of it. But many members were very unhappy about that and worked and prayed to end this affiliation.
And they finally did it on May 19th last.
Magna est veritas; et prevalibit' ' The Truth is powerful, and will prevail'
These words bring hope to all of us working to get unborn humans recognised as persons. The ugly truths about our abortion culture can't stand up when a light is shone upon them.
And they finally did it on May 19th last.
Magna est veritas; et prevalibit' ' The Truth is powerful, and will prevail'
These words bring hope to all of us working to get unborn humans recognised as persons. The ugly truths about our abortion culture can't stand up when a light is shone upon them.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
We Trust Women
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In other words, a woman shouldn't have to have two doctors sign off that it would be detrimental to her health to continue the pregnancy.
The decriminalization of abortion would mean that at any time during her pregnancy, a woman can end it. She wouldn't have to go and get a form from a doctor to bring to the abortionist, who then co-signs the form. Abortion is legal in the UK up to 24 weeks but abortions are done later for babies who are handicapped or who might die shortly after birth.
The decriminilization of abortion in the UK would mean that a woman could end a pregnancy at any time and not just end the pregnancy of course - the baby must die as well, even at 39 weeks.
I read through the website. They quote Victorian Law. 'Antiquated' Victorian Law from 1861 that makes it illegal for a woman to induce a miscarriage. (The Victorians opposed murder and theft as well, and these are not considered 'antiquated laws'...
As I clicked and scrolled, my heart sank as one horrible fact occurred to me - after 50 years of legal abortion in the UK, we have robbed the unborn baby of any humanity at all. There's no mention of heartbeat, little feet, tiny hands, moving, kicking, hicupping, grimacing, somersaulting, sleeping, yawning. And to my shame, the Royal College of Midwives, who certified me as a midwife, are part of this coalition, although many members are outraged at leadership.
The human fetus has devolved from being an unborn baby (as the Victorians knew without any ultrasound) to a subhuman, or prehuman, status.
If you are not wanted, you're a nothing- is the real prochoice position, and WTW are more than careful to dehumanise whatever it is the woman is carrying in her womb, because I did not see the word human or baby.
The implication of the phrase We Trust Women is that, if you oppose the prochoice view you are saying that women cannot be trusted.
I trust my own sex. But I do not trust human nature. And I don't trust how humans - women or men - respond to fear - the fear that many women have when they have an unplanned pregnancy, or have when they learn they are carrying a Down's Syndrome child. Unfortunately doctors and nurses often encourage a woman to terminate a pregnancy. I don't know why they do this. What has happened doctors and nurses? They are playing GOD now.
Fear of pregnancy is fear of the unknown. Women are Stronger than that. We can face our struggles, but we need support and help from family, friends, doctors and nurses.. But not the kind of help that tells us we are weak and will not cope and therefore need to kill our babies.
I acknowledge that there will always be women who will want to abort their babies. Most of these may be reacting to Fear. We shouldn't make big life decisions when we are in a state of panic and fear, they are nearly always a mistake.
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Come to Celebrate the 8th!
The 8th Amendment has saved many many lives since 1983. Come Celebrate the 8th!
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Abortion and Breast Cancer - the Cover up
The shocking cover up about abortion and adverse effects on women's health, including the link between abortion and breast cancer.
This documentary was made by prochoice journalist Punam Gill. Check it out and spread the word; this should be on TV but the question is: Who really cares about women's health? If they care, they will show it.
Why can't they handle the Truth? It is staring them in the face. What major media outlet has the MOJO to broadcast or print this information?
The shocking cover up about abortion and adverse effects on women's health, including the link between abortion and breast cancer.
This documentary was made by prochoice journalist Punam Gill. Check it out and spread the word; this should be on TV but the question is: Who really cares about women's health? If they care, they will show it.
Why can't they handle the Truth? It is staring them in the face. What major media outlet has the MOJO to broadcast or print this information?
Friday, February 5, 2016
It's Feminist to be Anti-Abortion
It's Feminist to be Anti-Abortion says Erika Bachiochi, in a CNN Opinion Piece.
Erika Bachiochi is an attorney and the author of an article in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy: Embodied Equality: Debunking Equality Arguments for Abortion Rights. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.
Polls taken since the Roe v Wade decision routinely show women in favor of abortion restrictions, and in slightly greater numbers than men. But how can this be? How can any woman want to scale back on the abortion license given them by the U.S. Supreme Court 42 years ago?
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
After Abortion Advice
I don't know who runs the above website, and it doesn't really matter. They may be prolife or prochoice or somewhere in the middle. Scroll to the end and read some of the testimonies, heartbreaking.
I think it shows how unnatural, horrible and anti-human the whole abortion culture is. It should be unthinkable to have an abortion, and these testimonies should be required reading for anybody considering one. If Planned Parenthood really cared about women, they would tell women that all of these things can happen.
Not enough pain control; betrayal by the baby's father; guilt, regret, emotional devastation, relationships breaking up, and yes, it was a baby after all.
Reminds me of the doctor who said that women have one of two immediate reactions after abortion. Anger at the staff:
'How long more are you going to keep me here? You said I'd be out in two hours and I've been here for three!'
And the simple cry: 'I've killed my baby.'
I don't know who runs the above website, and it doesn't really matter. They may be prolife or prochoice or somewhere in the middle. Scroll to the end and read some of the testimonies, heartbreaking.
I think it shows how unnatural, horrible and anti-human the whole abortion culture is. It should be unthinkable to have an abortion, and these testimonies should be required reading for anybody considering one. If Planned Parenthood really cared about women, they would tell women that all of these things can happen.
Not enough pain control; betrayal by the baby's father; guilt, regret, emotional devastation, relationships breaking up, and yes, it was a baby after all.
Reminds me of the doctor who said that women have one of two immediate reactions after abortion. Anger at the staff:
'How long more are you going to keep me here? You said I'd be out in two hours and I've been here for three!'
And the simple cry: 'I've killed my baby.'
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Chris Matthews manipulated.
Chris Matthews interviewed Cecile Richards on his show 'Hardball' on January 26th. She was in Iowa campaigning for Hillary Clinton.
Matthews treated Cecile with kid gloves, but then he is totally on Planned Parenthood's side. Cecile spoke in caring tones of her patients. But with every pregnant woman who walks in the door, she has two patients, not one. Two beating hearts. But Cecile Richards does not believe that there is life in the womb before birth. She has said in an interview with Jorge Ramos that the question is 'not relevant' to a conversation about pregnancy. When she was pregnant, did she not have any ultrasound, any fetal heart check?
Inexplicably, Matthews belongs to the 'abortion has to be legal or women will die' opinion. He talked of backstreet abortions as if they were unsafe before 1973, when in 1960 the then President of Planned Parenthood declared that 'abortion is no longer a dangerous procedure' because trained medics were doing them. Dr. Nathanson of NARAL admitted in later years that he inflated figures to the media in 'tens of thousands'. But it's possible that Matthews didn't know that, because the abortion lobby are very, very skilled at managing the media. I refuse to beleive that prochoice people are all OK with ending the lives of living, moving human beings, little ones who see more changes in a day than you or I do in a year. Or that prochoice people are OK with fetuses dying in extreme pain. (saline abortions burned and scalded, but that never made it to print).
In the 1950s, Planned Parenthood, in explaining that contraception was not abortion, were explaining the difference: 'Abortion kills the life of a baby' Their very words! But in 2016, there is no Life there at all it seems...Planned Parenthood are going Backwards! Or do they think Americans are all Idiots? And Chris Matthews, are you really that gullible?
Richards doesn't know of any babies born alive after abortions, she testified to that in the Congressional Hearing, but Gianna Jessen was born alive in a Planned Parenthood clinic. She was fortunate to stay alive, because the Doctor had already left for the day and the staff called an ambulance. Jessen's little body was scalded and burned, but she fought for her life. There are at least 200 known survivors of abortion - Matthews could have Melissa Ohden or Claire Culwell on his show? Some bear the marks and disabilites of the scalding saline or the instrument scraping at them. Many have their medical records, or their mothers' testimonies, to prove that they survived an attempt on their very lives. But as long as Matthews and other journalists support Richards' view of the world, they are victimizing and nullifying, these survivors. Is that just?
Matthews, when you support Planned Parenthoods view of Life or non-Life, you support the most atrocious, horror-filled scenarios playing out daily in abortion clinics. Fully sentient babies dismembered in excruciating pain, or brutally stabbed with poison, after trying to shy away from the needle, so that the doctor has to 'stalk' the fetus. After 20 weeks, a fetus can feel pain more than you or I, because the nerve pathways are laid down and working, and the natural pain inhibitors have not developed and will not until near term.
Poor Cecile Richards, she's clinging to a sinking raft. There is life before birth, she heard her babies fetal heartbeats, she most likely even watched her baby move in the womb.
Come clean, Cecile! How much energy does it take to keep up this pretense?
Matthews treated Cecile with kid gloves, but then he is totally on Planned Parenthood's side. Cecile spoke in caring tones of her patients. But with every pregnant woman who walks in the door, she has two patients, not one. Two beating hearts. But Cecile Richards does not believe that there is life in the womb before birth. She has said in an interview with Jorge Ramos that the question is 'not relevant' to a conversation about pregnancy. When she was pregnant, did she not have any ultrasound, any fetal heart check?
Inexplicably, Matthews belongs to the 'abortion has to be legal or women will die' opinion. He talked of backstreet abortions as if they were unsafe before 1973, when in 1960 the then President of Planned Parenthood declared that 'abortion is no longer a dangerous procedure' because trained medics were doing them. Dr. Nathanson of NARAL admitted in later years that he inflated figures to the media in 'tens of thousands'. But it's possible that Matthews didn't know that, because the abortion lobby are very, very skilled at managing the media. I refuse to beleive that prochoice people are all OK with ending the lives of living, moving human beings, little ones who see more changes in a day than you or I do in a year. Or that prochoice people are OK with fetuses dying in extreme pain. (saline abortions burned and scalded, but that never made it to print).
In the 1950s, Planned Parenthood, in explaining that contraception was not abortion, were explaining the difference: 'Abortion kills the life of a baby' Their very words! But in 2016, there is no Life there at all it seems...Planned Parenthood are going Backwards! Or do they think Americans are all Idiots? And Chris Matthews, are you really that gullible?
Richards doesn't know of any babies born alive after abortions, she testified to that in the Congressional Hearing, but Gianna Jessen was born alive in a Planned Parenthood clinic. She was fortunate to stay alive, because the Doctor had already left for the day and the staff called an ambulance. Jessen's little body was scalded and burned, but she fought for her life. There are at least 200 known survivors of abortion - Matthews could have Melissa Ohden or Claire Culwell on his show? Some bear the marks and disabilites of the scalding saline or the instrument scraping at them. Many have their medical records, or their mothers' testimonies, to prove that they survived an attempt on their very lives. But as long as Matthews and other journalists support Richards' view of the world, they are victimizing and nullifying, these survivors. Is that just?
Matthews, when you support Planned Parenthoods view of Life or non-Life, you support the most atrocious, horror-filled scenarios playing out daily in abortion clinics. Fully sentient babies dismembered in excruciating pain, or brutally stabbed with poison, after trying to shy away from the needle, so that the doctor has to 'stalk' the fetus. After 20 weeks, a fetus can feel pain more than you or I, because the nerve pathways are laid down and working, and the natural pain inhibitors have not developed and will not until near term.
Poor Cecile Richards, she's clinging to a sinking raft. There is life before birth, she heard her babies fetal heartbeats, she most likely even watched her baby move in the womb.
Come clean, Cecile! How much energy does it take to keep up this pretense?
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But the hate posts from the abortion proponents in the Comments - here and in other sites - bothers me. I know you hear hate from our side too, but usually somebody calls the haters out, and urges them to be civil and to pray for the pro-choicers. But nobody on the prochoice side calls their haters out!
The haters on the pro-choice side may be people in great denial. Most people are good people and think of themselves as so; and if they have had abortions, or had something to do with an abortion, or work in the industry, then they have to stay in a state of denial and bitterly oppose those who threaten their own consciences. This they do with strong and hateful words, insults. presumptions, and accusations.
As American becomes more prolife, America will need to heal.
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