Thursday, January 28, 2016

Chris Matthews manipulated.

Chris Matthews interviewed Cecile Richards on his show 'Hardball' on January 26th. She was in Iowa campaigning for Hillary Clinton.

Matthews treated Cecile with kid gloves, but then he is totally on Planned Parenthood's side.  Cecile spoke in caring tones of her patients. But with every pregnant woman who walks in the door, she has two patients, not one. Two beating hearts. But Cecile Richards does not believe that there is life in the womb before birth. She has said in an interview with Jorge Ramos that the question is 'not relevant' to a conversation about pregnancy. When she was pregnant, did she not have any ultrasound, any fetal heart check?

Inexplicably, Matthews belongs to the 'abortion has to be legal or women will die' opinion. He talked of backstreet abortions as if they were unsafe before 1973, when in 1960 the then President of Planned Parenthood declared that 'abortion is no longer a dangerous procedure' because trained medics were doing them. Dr. Nathanson of NARAL admitted in later years that he inflated figures to the media in 'tens of thousands'. But it's possible that Matthews didn't know that, because the abortion lobby are very, very skilled at managing the media. I refuse to beleive that prochoice people are all OK with ending the lives of living, moving human beings, little ones who see more changes in a day than you or I do in a year. Or that prochoice people are OK with fetuses dying in extreme pain. (saline abortions burned and scalded, but that never made it to print).

In the 1950s, Planned Parenthood, in explaining that contraception was not abortion, were explaining the difference:  'Abortion kills the life of a baby'  Their very words! But in 2016, there is no Life there at all it seems...Planned Parenthood are going Backwards! Or do they think Americans are all Idiots? And Chris Matthews, are you really that gullible?

Richards doesn't know of any babies born alive after abortions, she testified to that in the Congressional Hearing, but Gianna Jessen was born alive in a Planned Parenthood clinic. She was fortunate to stay alive, because the Doctor had already left for the day and the staff called an ambulance. Jessen's little body was scalded and burned, but she fought for her life. There are at least 200 known survivors of abortion - Matthews could have Melissa Ohden or Claire Culwell on his show? Some bear the marks and disabilites of the scalding saline or the instrument scraping at them. Many have their medical records, or their mothers' testimonies, to prove that they survived an attempt on their very lives. But as long as Matthews and other journalists support Richards' view of the world, they are victimizing and nullifying, these survivors. Is that just?

Matthews, when you support Planned Parenthoods view of Life or non-Life, you support the most atrocious, horror-filled scenarios playing out daily in abortion clinics. Fully sentient babies dismembered in excruciating pain, or brutally stabbed with poison, after trying to shy away from the needle, so that the doctor has to 'stalk' the fetus. After 20 weeks, a fetus can feel pain more than you or I, because the nerve pathways are laid down and working, and the natural pain inhibitors have not developed and will not until near term. 

Poor Cecile Richards, she's clinging to a sinking raft. There is life before birth, she heard her babies fetal heartbeats, she most likely even watched her baby move in the womb.
Come clean, Cecile! How much energy does it take to keep up this pretense?


The Abortion Industry rejoices in the decision of the Texas Grand Jury; but it can't do this for long, because this is America, and this is only one battle, one victory, and not even that, because the accused are still only the accused. They are not guilty. The Truth will come out. David Daleiden has a brilliant op-ed in USA Today which I tweeted, so no need to go into it here, but just in case you missed it USA Today David Daleidin Op-Ed

But the hate posts from the abortion proponents in the Comments - here and in other sites - bothers me. I know you hear hate from our side too, but usually somebody calls the haters out, and urges them to be civil and to pray for the pro-choicers. But nobody on the prochoice side calls their haters out!
The haters on the pro-choice side may be people in great denial. Most people are good people and think of themselves as so; and if they have had abortions, or had something to do with an abortion, or work in the industry, then they have to stay in a state of denial and bitterly oppose those who threaten their own consciences. This they do with strong and hateful words, insults. presumptions, and accusations.
As American becomes more prolife, America will need to heal.