Friday, February 5, 2016

It's Feminist to be Anti-Abortion

It's Feminist to be Anti-Abortion says Erika  Bachiochi, in a CNN Opinion Piece.

Erika Bachiochi is an attorney and the author of an article in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy: Embodied Equality: Debunking Equality Arguments for Abortion Rights. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.
Polls taken since the Roe v Wade decision routinely show women in favor of abortion restrictions, and in slightly greater numbers than men. But how can this be? How can any woman want to scale back on the abortion license given them by the U.S. Supreme Court 42 years ago?

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

After Abortion Advice

I don't know who runs the above website, and it doesn't really matter. They may be prolife or prochoice or somewhere in the middle. Scroll to the end and read some of the testimonies, heartbreaking.

I think it shows how unnatural, horrible and anti-human the whole abortion culture is. It should be unthinkable to have an abortion, and these testimonies should be required reading for anybody considering one. If Planned Parenthood really cared about women, they would tell women that all of these things can happen.

Not enough pain control; betrayal by the baby's father; guilt, regret, emotional devastation, relationships breaking up, and yes, it was a baby after all.

Reminds me of the doctor who said that women have one of two immediate reactions after abortion. Anger at the staff:
'How long more are you going to keep me here? You said I'd be out in two hours and I've been here for three!'
And the simple cry:  'I've killed my baby.'