Sunday, December 14, 2014

ISIS says pedophilia OK.

This blog is about personhood for preborn babies, and the right of a person to be born, but it is a shock to me to find out that Slavery flourishes in many parts of the world, and that Personhood Campaigns should be extended to many people in other countries where slavery is legal. Slavery exists in Cameroon and other places where there are slave castes, who live on the owners property in their own villages, and are not even aware that they should be free. And what happened to the Nigerian girls captured by Boko Haram? Some of these girls, educated, middle class and from stable families, have now been sold and trafficked into Chad or Cameroon and live desperate lives, separated from their schoolmates, alone and having to do the drudgery of house and fieldwork, never seeing their own families, beaten, abused, raped, without any friendship, or any books in a population that is largely illiterate, not that a slave gets leisure time to read. Some have to be pregnant by now, and one hopes that as happens often in these situations of captivity involving sex slavery or forced marriage, that a baby will bring some comfort and love - if the girls survive birthing in primitive conditions and without trained midwives. Yes, women still die in childbirth in undeveloped countries.
But now to ISIS.
That evil group surpass all in capturing women and girls as War Booty. They regard these girls as property. Below is a news item about the Rules issued in Mosul, to be used by the men who now own this human property. It is appalling, sick.
ISIS is a haven for Pedophiles. A man may enjoy all ages. Sick and Evil.
See below.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

There is a God. He isn't me.

The abortion question can be summed up in 2 sentences.
There is a God. He isn't me.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Polly Toynbee on Abortion and the Real World

'No trauma, no tragedy, just routine'.
My Comment on Guardian
Ms. Toynbee, if I were a loved one and I had an abortion, you’d expect me to just get over it faster than a teeth cleaning? No hand-holding, no patient listening? Would you get angry with me if I cried a few  tears? Not worry about complications like infertility or cervical incompetence, no putting up with me wondering if it was a boy or a girl, or whether things are going to be different with my boyfriend, cos he wanted the abortion more than I did, and I think I hate him now.  And around the expected date of delivery, no special attention to take my mind off what might have been? No anxiety about me if, soon after the abortion, another family member joyfully announces her pregnancy and uses the word baby over and over? The Real World.
You have your eyes closed to what abortion really is. Many people don’t know of what they talk when they talk about abortion. View an ultrasound of what happens in the womb, and you will see that even at 10 weeks the foetus reacts in the same way as you or I if confronted by an attacker, for the foetus is not an inanimate tooth. Nevertheless, some do survive the attack.  Check out what Abortion Survivors think on the issue. They were confronted with the Real World very early on.
Abortion cannot ever be a ‘normal event in a woman’s life, no trauma, no tragedy, just routine’.  The bond between mother and unborn baby is the physically closest possible in nature, and to break that is not a routine thing to do without ‘trauma’. That is the Real World.

The Unborn of the Sentient Born feels pain. Pathology medical students in the USA were disturbed by the facial expressions on dead babies – or ‘fetal tissue’ if you prefer.
That is the Real World.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Irish Doctors being forced to practice Bad Medicine

Irish Doctors refused to follow an unworkable law and kill an unborn baby in the 2nd trimester because the suicidal mother wanted an abortion. They proceeded to treat her following evidence-based medicine and psychiatry. At the mother's renewed suicidal thoughts, and following the new law, they terminated the pregnancy at 24 weeks by c/section and handed Baby to waiting Pediatricians. Baby is being cared for in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
It is a tragic case but abortion is not a cure for suicidal feelings. There's no evidence! Irish doctors are not being allowed to practice Evidence-based Medicine!
The pro-choice lobby is angry. The pregnancy was terminated; they should be happy, because in their world view, the mother should now be CURED of suicidal thoughts as she is no longer pregnant.  But they are not happy, as outlined below.
I feel sorry for this poor woman, as she herself may have had the impression that an abortion would cure her, and the prochoice lobby are shamelessly promoting this bad medicine.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Margaret of Castello

Watched a beautiful movie about Blessed Margaret of Castello. Born with a spinal deformity and blind, she was hidden from the world by her rich high-ranking parents. Walled up in a room next to a church, she was helped by the priest, who ministered to her through an aperture in the wall. Jesus was her only company and she grew very close to Him...abandoned eventually in a strange city by her parents, she became known for her kindness and after she died they claimed her as their own. Her body lies incurrupt in the local church.
Rejected. God worked a miracle in this person rejected by her mother and father.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sisters of Providence

The Sisters of Providence in Portland OR are true to their pro-life Heritage. Fair dues to them, it takes real courage to go against the tide of public opinion and stand up for Life.

Testimony from former abortion workers

Testimonies from former abortion workers, all verified, by Mary Meehan

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Kermit Gosnell Movie smashing records for donations

Information about the movie available at the above link.

Pray for him, Jesus loves him too. He was created to accomplish better things than what he did. He made horrible choices.

40 Days for Life

Though active in the pro-life movement for a long time, today was the first oportunity I had to attend a 40 Days for Life vigil outside an abortion clinic.

It was peaceful, prayerful and very encouraging. Many cars passed, many people waved from them in approval. One kid with loud music blaring from a sports car gave us a happy greeting.

Americans are sick to death of how cheap life has become.

Some of the retired people there do not stop coming after the 40 Days are over. They come all year round, rain or shine.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Gianna Jessen Abortion Survivor

A Heroine if ever there was one. An attempt upon her life by a cruel saline abortion failed, but she fought back.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I would be embarrassed if I was Cecile Richards

Cecile Richards President of Planned Parenthood said that her children's lives began when she delivered them.
With respect, she had to have heard a certain pulsating sound upon being examined on her prenatal visits, and when in labor, and I wonder why she didn't ask what it was and why the doctors and midwives were so interested in it, poring over the sheets pumping out this long graph. And
if she had asked, she would have learned that it was a Heartbeat and that the individual with the Heartbeat was - well, Alive...Alive...Live...Living etc you get my drift
Sometimes the positions they take are truly incredible. I am kind of sad for her actually.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The :Language of Nothings

In order to keep abortion legal, pro-choicers have had to turn unborn children into Nothings. These Nothings are not really there at all. They are Products of Conception. They are Blobs. They are Tissue. Arms? No! Legs? No! Fingers and Toes? No, no too Human! Too much like creatures we could care about!
We talk of animals being euthanised.  Regretted deaths, as painless as possible.
But the pain of unborn children is the last big taboo in our society. No anesthesia. Doctors are not trained to euthanise unborn babies; there is no such word in obstetrics.
They don't need anesthesia! They are Nothings! A grimace? Doesn't mean Anything! Writhing? Doesn't mean Anything! And that is from Gynecologists who cannot give the doomed unborn the benefit of the grimace and the writhings and, just in case, inject some novocaine or something in the fetus. (would any of these go to a dentist who didn't use a painkiller? I would like to dare them!)
Nothings need nothing. Not even a thought of sparing pain during dismemberment. Did I say Dismember? No! It's Extraction!
According to them, I was a Nothing before I breathed. Were you?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

40 Days for Life March 5th - April 13th
It is striking how much of the truth about unborn life and abortion have been revealed already, causing abortion clinics to close down.
Prayer and Fasting - two powerful weapons in this fight.
You know good people always shake their heads and say: It shouldn't happen when they see atrocities, but if the opinion shapers have the opposing view, most people will not speak out. It is very embarrassing to stick out from the crowd.
It happened with slavery...there have to have been people passing slave markets, whose hearts grieved for the poor people in chains being bought and sold, but the majority passed by, like the Levite and the Priest in the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
Abortion is an Atrocity. But dare suggest that in the public square! And Late-Term Abortion is an Atrocity that should never be allowed. Mom's life in danger - there's always C-Section! Preterm labor where the baby might not survive - give the little one a chance instead of dismembering it alive. Handicapped? There are lists of parents who would be willing to adopt handicapped children, if the parents truly can't raise the child. Oh but don't kill a child cos it is special needs!  Why? Because it is a child, one of us, and won't be given an anesthetic while being stabbed in the chest, or his or her limbs twisted off, or burned alive with Saline.