Saturday, January 11, 2014

40 Days for Life March 5th - April 13th
It is striking how much of the truth about unborn life and abortion have been revealed already, causing abortion clinics to close down.
Prayer and Fasting - two powerful weapons in this fight.
You know good people always shake their heads and say: It shouldn't happen when they see atrocities, but if the opinion shapers have the opposing view, most people will not speak out. It is very embarrassing to stick out from the crowd.
It happened with slavery...there have to have been people passing slave markets, whose hearts grieved for the poor people in chains being bought and sold, but the majority passed by, like the Levite and the Priest in the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
Abortion is an Atrocity. But dare suggest that in the public square! And Late-Term Abortion is an Atrocity that should never be allowed. Mom's life in danger - there's always C-Section! Preterm labor where the baby might not survive - give the little one a chance instead of dismembering it alive. Handicapped? There are lists of parents who would be willing to adopt handicapped children, if the parents truly can't raise the child. Oh but don't kill a child cos it is special needs!  Why? Because it is a child, one of us, and won't be given an anesthetic while being stabbed in the chest, or his or her limbs twisted off, or burned alive with Saline.

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