Sunday, July 12, 2015

Amnesty International has disgraced itself

50 years ago, it was unthinkable for anyone to suggest that abortion should be on demand for 9 months of pregnancy for any reason, whatever the laws said in different states and countries. The most vocal prochoice view is that there should not be any time limit on abortion and this is the view that is constantly being propogated by the liberal media.

We have Wendy Davis who fillibustered in Texas presented as a heroic woman when that State tightened its abortion laws in 2014, and a couple of prominent politicians refuse to say that abortion at 9 months would not be wrong. On the plus side, there have been many prolife victories and it is very important that these continue. We also have the 40 Days for Life and the stats say that abortion numbers are down. This should make us very happy.

However, the mainstream media is far from telling any prolife view in any depth. On social media, anybody who objects to abortion at any stage in pregnancy is called a bigot, a zealot, a misogynist, a right wing nut, and accused of waging this stupid 'war on women.' It is disturbing to encounter Hatred, and there is plenty of it about.

Amnesty International supports abortion on demand. It ignores the fact that an unborn child can suffer a tortured death in the womb, and correct me if I am wrong, but does not their Raison d'Etre rely upon their opposition to torture? This is indeed a disturbing position. Ireland must now suffer a campaign by Amnesty to liberalise her abortion laws. Ireland has been very battered in the wars, and the lies, misrepresentations and vilifications continue. But Ireland is not giving in easily.

But suppose for a moment that the USA will have abortion on demand acceptable and legal, which is what could happen if we flag or get tired of our hard work. Will the prochoice lobby be satisfied?

Maybe you, like me, have heard suggestions that a mother should have the option of 'after birth abortion' that if she does not feel capable of mothering, or the child has an undiagnosed defect, she should be able to kill him or her.

After all, the only difference between a born and unborn child is the location and the fact that a born child uses her lungs and takes in food by mouth. But these could easily be explained away, and the child could be given a sedative and starved to death. It's already here, for handicapped children. I saw it happen in England when I was a young midwife there, that a newborn was secretly fed chloral hydrate. Only at the time, I didn't know what was going on. If you can play God before birth, why should you stop? After all, the baby would be better off dead, yes? We are being compassionate, yes? 

But I see another danger if this became legal...just like live embryos and the remains of aborted children are used for research, these unfortunate infants, being born alive and legal Nothings until the mother decides whether she wants the baby or not, could be taken after she has signed for death and kept in labs, until they are of no more use to anybody, when they would be killed.

Do I sound crazy? They have done this with baby monkeys, our cousins, and can you not hear scientists say that it would be so much better to use real human tissue? Can't you hear the arguments already? Last year, there was outrage about the Kalin experiment in the University of Wisconsin when there were plans to experiment on newborn monkeys, and it was thankfully dropped. My concern is that there would not be the same outrage for baby humans!

Lobbyists can make a case for anything; they give money to politicians for their support, and get the ever-compliant media on their side.  Researchers would point to any and all useful help this kind of research could be to Humanity. A few celebrity endorsements and hard cases, and these unwanted infants could be destined for a lab, like rats, before being euthanized.

After all, if Amnesty International can endorse a surgery that involves tearing a baby limb from limb while alive and awake, anything can happen.

 Let's stop this madness here. Killing baby humans inside or outside the womb must Become Unthinkable.  Let's keep Educating. Love Them Both, for there will always be women who do not want to carry a child to term.

Pray as if it all depends on God, Work as if it all depends on us.

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