Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Courageous Survivors - Cowardly News Media

WOMEN OF COURAGE! a link to Ohden's testimony is below

Why don’t Journalists believe what is before their eyes? Why don’t they believe what they see? An ultrasound of a living, moving human. Fetology is advancing; we have 4D ultrasound now – 12 weeks, color movie, baby waving arms and legs, somersaulting in the womb, vigourous movement! We have Fetal Surgery – and Fetal Anesthesia of course! For the anesthesia given to the mother doesn’t cross the placental barrier. Fetology again…but no anesthesia for the baby about to be pulled to pieces. Baby? The ‘blob of tissue’ description is still around, or at least the image of the inert, low-energy developing fetus that is in a comatose state and does nothing until it is born. That is so 1960’s. 12 weeks 
Then the abortion. There are ultrasounds of abortion. The baby draws away, flails, doesn’t like the intruder, reacts like you or I if confronted by an attacker. They open their mouths and scream. Their vocal chords are working after 12 weeks. We can’t hear the scream because there is no air in the womb.  The Silent Scream
Would they be upset if this was happening to puppies? Kittens?
We have abortion survivors. Courageous women and men who were there at the time of their mothers’ abortion and somehow escaped death. There are over 200 known survivors. Some Speak Out. Do they want to listen? Why not? Are they cowards that they cannot handle hearing survivors speak? They interview other survivors! People who have survived horrible accidents and attacks and falls down cliffs and fires and wars and massacres. But abortion survivors? No. I do not know why. Courageous survivors, cowardly News Media. 
Then we have the Planned Parenthood sting operations. ‘It’s a boy! Another boy!’ a lab assistant cries out in the Path Lab as they dissect the remains. One would think she was in a delivery room rejoicing in a live birth. Then follows the doctor’s – the abortionist’s remark: ‘It’s a baby.’  11 weeks.
A dead baby. #anotherboy

So they know, you know, and we all know. The question I want to ask the media is this - when will you have the courage to expose the horrible killing in the womb which happens during an abortion?

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