Friday, September 25, 2015
Planned Parenthood GoFundYourself!
40 Days for Life has kicked off. My sign reads #anotherboy. It's easy to point people to social media where they will find real information.
The phrase refers to the exclamation by Planned Parenthood's M.A. when she examined the remains of an aborted fetus. 'It's a boy! Another boy!' And the doctor added, 'It's a Baby.' I am not kidding. It is all on video, you know that Heavily Edited Video that Planned Parenthood complain about. Actually they haven't said anything for weeks and the mainstream media has been bowing and scraping to them and doing their bidding, that is, ignoring the atrocities, just like they ignored Gosnell until they were shamed into reporting the story, but nothing like they covered Jodie Arias. Why are the media so wobbly-kneed when it comes to reporting on the atrocities in abortion clinics?
Back to the aborted baby, Students for Life named this 11-week murder victim Emmett. In the video, his remains were being dissected and his usable organs separated for refrigeration. Planned Parenthood are proud to say that everything they ship is fresh.
So fresh that, according to Holly O'Donnell's testimony, a baby is kept alive and cut into alive, through the face, for a fresh brain.
Planned Parenthood GoFundYourself. The great young people at Students for Life have made a T-Shirt. I love it! Get yours here: T-shirt
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Courageous Survivors - Cowardly News Media
WOMEN OF COURAGE! a link to Ohden's testimony is below |
Why don’t Journalists believe what is before their eyes? Why don’t they believe what they see? An ultrasound of a living, moving human. Fetology is advancing; we have 4D ultrasound now – 12 weeks, color movie, baby waving arms and legs, somersaulting in the womb, vigourous movement! We have Fetal Surgery – and Fetal Anesthesia of course! For the anesthesia given to the mother doesn’t cross the placental barrier. Fetology again…but no anesthesia for the baby about to be pulled to pieces. Baby? The ‘blob of tissue’ description is still around, or at least the image of the inert, low-energy developing fetus that is in a comatose state and does nothing until it is born. That is so 1960’s. 12 weeks
Then the abortion. There are ultrasounds of abortion. The
baby draws away, flails, doesn’t like the intruder, reacts like you or I if
confronted by an attacker. They open their mouths and scream. Their vocal
chords are working after 12 weeks. We can’t hear the scream because there is no
air in the womb. The Silent Scream
Would they be upset if this was happening to puppies?
We have abortion survivors. Courageous women and men who were
there at the time of their mothers’ abortion and somehow escaped death. There are over 200 known survivors. Some Speak Out. Do they want to listen? Why not? Are they cowards that they cannot
handle hearing survivors speak? They interview other survivors! People who have
survived horrible accidents and attacks and falls down cliffs and fires and
wars and massacres. But abortion survivors? No. I do not know why. Courageous survivors,
cowardly News Media.
Then we have the Planned Parenthood sting operations. ‘It’s
a boy! Another boy!’ a lab assistant cries out in the Path Lab as they dissect
the remains. One would think she was in a delivery room rejoicing in a live
birth. Then follows the doctor’s – the abortionist’s remark: ‘It’s a baby.’ 11 weeks.
A dead baby. #anotherboy
So they know, you know, and we all know. The question I want
to ask the media is this - when will you have the courage to expose the
horrible killing in the womb which happens during an abortion?
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Death Roe Survivors
Survivors Wall. If you were born in the USA since Jan 22nd 1973, rejoice, you are a survivor. Go write on the wall if there was a story to your conception and someone urged your Mom to kill you. Or if your Mom decided this but against the odds, you were born.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
4D Ultrasound very powerful
Meghan Kelly on her show at FOX showed a 4D color ultrasound of a living, moving, baby at 17 weeks to tell her audience what Dr. Nucatola's meant by a'17-weeker'. She did the same during the replay of a clip in which Dr. Gatter referred to a 12-week 'specimen'. I found it very powerful imagery. How many people know that a 12 week unborn baby moves so much?
I wonder if the next Planned Parenthood videos to be released could have an inset of these 4D ultrasounds or similar? Because Doctors can be very influential and when they speak with such a disregard fro humananity, a person on the fence might wonder - 'well she thinks it's ok and she's a doctor.' Just a thought. A picture is worth a thousand words.
The reference to the 17-week baby begins at 10:29.
At 3:29 there is a beautiful movie of a 12-weeker, the one that Dr. Mary Gatter is referring to as a possible 'intact specimen' if the rules can be bent and the baby be delivered for sale whole.
How have those doctors lost their humanity?
I wonder if the next Planned Parenthood videos to be released could have an inset of these 4D ultrasounds or similar? Because Doctors can be very influential and when they speak with such a disregard fro humananity, a person on the fence might wonder - 'well she thinks it's ok and she's a doctor.' Just a thought. A picture is worth a thousand words.
The reference to the 17-week baby begins at 10:29.
At 3:29 there is a beautiful movie of a 12-weeker, the one that Dr. Mary Gatter is referring to as a possible 'intact specimen' if the rules can be bent and the baby be delivered for sale whole.
How have those doctors lost their humanity?
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Your local Planned Parenthood may be harvesting baby parts
They are doubting it - Snopes, liberal news sites, because - it is too horrible to be true, but it is true.
I am not surprised - I read a book in 1983 called 'the Abortion Industry'. I was appalled. I've also read testimonies from biologists who dissect baby remains to get what they want for their research.
According to Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthoods Director of Medical Services, the doctor can manipulate the birth, so that the head comes out last, therefore preserving it better than if it came first through a cervix that was not wide enough to accommodate it.
To preserve the body part required, the doctor can 'crush above or crush below'. He can use ultrasound to guide the forceps and the 'grasper.' Remember the Baby is alive and sensitive to touch after 12-14 weeks, and is seen on ultrasound to draw away from the forceps and the aptly named 'grasper.' (for images of abortion instruments, see:
So we are talking Partial-Birth Abortion here, which is Illegal.
And how odd that this 'blob of tissue' or 'bunch of cells' has 'extremities' - Feet? Hands? And organs like livers, and hearts, and lungs, and heads.
Abby Johnson of And Then There Were None urges us to pray for Dr. Nucatola, for nobody is beyond redemption, and we should listen to her.
I hope though, that the media do not run from this like they did from Kermit Gosnell. They have to get to the Truth. They must! Tell them!
They are doubting it - Snopes, liberal news sites, because - it is too horrible to be true, but it is true.
I am not surprised - I read a book in 1983 called 'the Abortion Industry'. I was appalled. I've also read testimonies from biologists who dissect baby remains to get what they want for their research.
According to Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthoods Director of Medical Services, the doctor can manipulate the birth, so that the head comes out last, therefore preserving it better than if it came first through a cervix that was not wide enough to accommodate it.
To preserve the body part required, the doctor can 'crush above or crush below'. He can use ultrasound to guide the forceps and the 'grasper.' Remember the Baby is alive and sensitive to touch after 12-14 weeks, and is seen on ultrasound to draw away from the forceps and the aptly named 'grasper.' (for images of abortion instruments, see:
So we are talking Partial-Birth Abortion here, which is Illegal.
And how odd that this 'blob of tissue' or 'bunch of cells' has 'extremities' - Feet? Hands? And organs like livers, and hearts, and lungs, and heads.
Abby Johnson of And Then There Were None urges us to pray for Dr. Nucatola, for nobody is beyond redemption, and we should listen to her.
I hope though, that the media do not run from this like they did from Kermit Gosnell. They have to get to the Truth. They must! Tell them!
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Amnesty International has disgraced itself
50 years ago, it was unthinkable for anyone to suggest that abortion should be on demand for 9 months of pregnancy for any reason, whatever the laws said in different states and countries. The most vocal prochoice view is that there should not be any time limit on abortion and this is the view that is constantly being propogated by the liberal media.
We have Wendy Davis who fillibustered in Texas presented as a heroic woman when that State tightened its abortion laws in 2014, and a couple of prominent politicians refuse to say that abortion at 9 months would not be wrong. On the plus side, there have been many prolife victories and it is very important that these continue. We also have the 40 Days for Life and the stats say that abortion numbers are down. This should make us very happy.
However, the mainstream media is far from telling any prolife view in any depth. On social media, anybody who objects to abortion at any stage in pregnancy is called a bigot, a zealot, a misogynist, a right wing nut, and accused of waging this stupid 'war on women.' It is disturbing to encounter Hatred, and there is plenty of it about.
Amnesty International supports abortion on demand. It ignores the fact that an unborn child can suffer a tortured death in the womb, and correct me if I am wrong, but does not their Raison d'Etre rely upon their opposition to torture? This is indeed a disturbing position. Ireland must now suffer a campaign by Amnesty to liberalise her abortion laws. Ireland has been very battered in the wars, and the lies, misrepresentations and vilifications continue. But Ireland is not giving in easily.
But suppose for a moment that the USA will have abortion on demand acceptable and legal, which is what could happen if we flag or get tired of our hard work. Will the prochoice lobby be satisfied?
Maybe you, like me, have heard suggestions that a mother should have the option of 'after birth abortion' that if she does not feel capable of mothering, or the child has an undiagnosed defect, she should be able to kill him or her.
After all, the only difference between a born and unborn child is the location and the fact that a born child uses her lungs and takes in food by mouth. But these could easily be explained away, and the child could be given a sedative and starved to death. It's already here, for handicapped children. I saw it happen in England when I was a young midwife there, that a newborn was secretly fed chloral hydrate. Only at the time, I didn't know what was going on. If you can play God before birth, why should you stop? After all, the baby would be better off dead, yes? We are being compassionate, yes?
But I see another danger if this became legal...just like live embryos and the remains of aborted children are used for research, these unfortunate infants, being born alive and legal Nothings until the mother decides whether she wants the baby or not, could be taken after she has signed for death and kept in labs, until they are of no more use to anybody, when they would be killed.
Do I sound crazy? They have done this with baby monkeys, our cousins, and can you not hear scientists say that it would be so much better to use real human tissue? Can't you hear the arguments already? Last year, there was outrage about the Kalin experiment in the University of Wisconsin when there were plans to experiment on newborn monkeys, and it was thankfully dropped. My concern is that there would not be the same outrage for baby humans!
Lobbyists can make a case for anything; they give money to politicians for their support, and get the ever-compliant media on their side. Researchers would point to any and all useful help this kind of research could be to Humanity. A few celebrity endorsements and hard cases, and these unwanted infants could be destined for a lab, like rats, before being euthanized.
After all, if Amnesty International can endorse a surgery that involves tearing a baby limb from limb while alive and awake, anything can happen.
Let's stop this madness here. Killing baby humans inside or outside the womb must Become Unthinkable. Let's keep Educating. Love Them Both, for there will always be women who do not want to carry a child to term.
Pray as if it all depends on God, Work as if it all depends on us.
We have Wendy Davis who fillibustered in Texas presented as a heroic woman when that State tightened its abortion laws in 2014, and a couple of prominent politicians refuse to say that abortion at 9 months would not be wrong. On the plus side, there have been many prolife victories and it is very important that these continue. We also have the 40 Days for Life and the stats say that abortion numbers are down. This should make us very happy.
However, the mainstream media is far from telling any prolife view in any depth. On social media, anybody who objects to abortion at any stage in pregnancy is called a bigot, a zealot, a misogynist, a right wing nut, and accused of waging this stupid 'war on women.' It is disturbing to encounter Hatred, and there is plenty of it about.
Amnesty International supports abortion on demand. It ignores the fact that an unborn child can suffer a tortured death in the womb, and correct me if I am wrong, but does not their Raison d'Etre rely upon their opposition to torture? This is indeed a disturbing position. Ireland must now suffer a campaign by Amnesty to liberalise her abortion laws. Ireland has been very battered in the wars, and the lies, misrepresentations and vilifications continue. But Ireland is not giving in easily.
But suppose for a moment that the USA will have abortion on demand acceptable and legal, which is what could happen if we flag or get tired of our hard work. Will the prochoice lobby be satisfied?
Maybe you, like me, have heard suggestions that a mother should have the option of 'after birth abortion' that if she does not feel capable of mothering, or the child has an undiagnosed defect, she should be able to kill him or her.
After all, the only difference between a born and unborn child is the location and the fact that a born child uses her lungs and takes in food by mouth. But these could easily be explained away, and the child could be given a sedative and starved to death. It's already here, for handicapped children. I saw it happen in England when I was a young midwife there, that a newborn was secretly fed chloral hydrate. Only at the time, I didn't know what was going on. If you can play God before birth, why should you stop? After all, the baby would be better off dead, yes? We are being compassionate, yes?
But I see another danger if this became legal...just like live embryos and the remains of aborted children are used for research, these unfortunate infants, being born alive and legal Nothings until the mother decides whether she wants the baby or not, could be taken after she has signed for death and kept in labs, until they are of no more use to anybody, when they would be killed.
Do I sound crazy? They have done this with baby monkeys, our cousins, and can you not hear scientists say that it would be so much better to use real human tissue? Can't you hear the arguments already? Last year, there was outrage about the Kalin experiment in the University of Wisconsin when there were plans to experiment on newborn monkeys, and it was thankfully dropped. My concern is that there would not be the same outrage for baby humans!
Lobbyists can make a case for anything; they give money to politicians for their support, and get the ever-compliant media on their side. Researchers would point to any and all useful help this kind of research could be to Humanity. A few celebrity endorsements and hard cases, and these unwanted infants could be destined for a lab, like rats, before being euthanized.
After all, if Amnesty International can endorse a surgery that involves tearing a baby limb from limb while alive and awake, anything can happen.
Let's stop this madness here. Killing baby humans inside or outside the womb must Become Unthinkable. Let's keep Educating. Love Them Both, for there will always be women who do not want to carry a child to term.
Pray as if it all depends on God, Work as if it all depends on us.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
To the Young People of Ireland
I sent the following letter to the Irish Times, I wonder if it will see print?
Dear Editor,
To the young people of Ireland – if you were born since 1983,
the 8th Amendment was for you. Ireland is still one of the safest
countries in the world to be pregnant in. Maternal mortality is much lower than
in the USA, India, and most other countries where abortion is legal. The young
Irish are informed enough to know that. Ireland’s 8th Amendment is validated by
developments in the last 30 years - we have 4D ultrasound and fetal surgery and
studies which show the detrimental effects of abortion on women such as the
Klemetti study of Finnish women in 2012. After 40-plus years of legal abortion
in many countries, there are survivors, now grown, real people - do they deserve
any hearing? Google ‘abortion survivors network’ to read their stories,
backed up by medical records. There’s the Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and
Lesbians (PLAGAL); there are former abortion activists turned prolife, Dr.
Bernard Nathanson who was converted by watching an ultrasound of an abortion;
Norma McCorvey – the ‘Roe’ of Roe vs Wade in 1973. There’s‘And Then There
Were None’ a new organization that helps abortion workers find other jobs,
founded by Abby Johnson, herself a former Planned Parenthood Director until she
witnessed the procedure on ultrasound. Until then, she did not know what
abortion really was. Not to mention the numerous organizations helping
distressed women in supportive and practical ways – too many to count - and the
films based on testimonies of real women – ‘22 Weeks’ and ‘October
Baby’. There’s a film in the making about Dr. Kermit Gosnell. It will be up to you to get informed and to go behind the curtain the
mainstream media draws over the prolife side. There’s a whole world of knowledge
out there. Keep the 8th! Oh and Hard Cases make Bad Law, as Dr. Alec Bourne
found out after he helped get abortion legal in the UK. He tried to put it into
reverse before he died. Thank you for reading this, and have
a long and happy life!
Monday, June 15, 2015
Gen X - Survivors of Roe - reject Abortion
'Young Americans — voters under 30 — were once the most gung-ho in support of unfettered legal abortion. In 1991, fully 36 percent believed abortion should be legal under any circumstances. But by 2010, 18-to-29-year-olds had become more pro-life than their parents — only 24 percent still wanted to keep abortion legal in all cases. More than any other age cohort, in fact, young adults are now the most likely to think abortion should be illegal in all circumstances.
In a sense, every American born since 1973 is a survivor of Roe. Perhaps that explains why, however young people might label themselves, abortion is a choice so few of them are prepared to take.'
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Late-term Abortion would be like another Rape for Victim.
A 10-year old girl pregnant as a result of rape refused abortion in Paraguay - she is 22 weeks pregnant. There is an outcry, but nobody has said that a late-term abortion would be akin to another rape. Here's why.
The cervix, the entrance to the womb, has to be artificially widened to allow the passage of the baby, (dead baby in this case). Or the passage of limbs and skull if the abortionist dismembers and crushes the body parts. To widen the cervix, the abortionist puts a series of rods into the girl's body. These expand within her and widen the cervix over a few days before the abortion is carried out.
Don't you think that would be a horrible experience for a rape victim?
So, someone asks, why not induce 'fetal demise' with an abdominal injection and induce labour by pitocin, allowing the cervix to open naturally during labour? That would put the girl in labour for days, and she may well be too small yet to deliver vaginally. Many child brides in poor countries like the Sudan or Ethiopia die or are seriously injured in childbirth because they are too small.
The best for this poor child and her child would be a c-section and have the baby adopted or have a relative care for him or her. It is a tragic situation. But abortion would be a horrible experience for the poor young girl. Why does nobody say that?
The cervix, the entrance to the womb, has to be artificially widened to allow the passage of the baby, (dead baby in this case). Or the passage of limbs and skull if the abortionist dismembers and crushes the body parts. To widen the cervix, the abortionist puts a series of rods into the girl's body. These expand within her and widen the cervix over a few days before the abortion is carried out.
Don't you think that would be a horrible experience for a rape victim?
So, someone asks, why not induce 'fetal demise' with an abdominal injection and induce labour by pitocin, allowing the cervix to open naturally during labour? That would put the girl in labour for days, and she may well be too small yet to deliver vaginally. Many child brides in poor countries like the Sudan or Ethiopia die or are seriously injured in childbirth because they are too small.
The best for this poor child and her child would be a c-section and have the baby adopted or have a relative care for him or her. It is a tragic situation. But abortion would be a horrible experience for the poor young girl. Why does nobody say that?
Friday, March 27, 2015
It's Friday. Sunday's comin'!
by Fr. Frank Pavone
This meditation, based on a sermon I once heard, is adapted for pro-life concerns.
It’s Friday. Jesus is on the cross. He has been killed by his enemies; he is off the scene.
But that’s because it’s Friday. Sunday’s comin’!
It’s Friday. Abortionists continue their work 3,300 times a day, tearing off the arms and legs of little babies and crushing their heads.
But that’s because it’s Friday. Sunday’s comin’!
It’s Friday. Pro-abortion groups receive blood money from billionaires who are as deceived as they are.
But that’s because it’s Friday. Sunday’s comin’!
It’s Friday. Liars attempt to speak for all women and hide the pain of abortion, and ignore the evidence of how it harms women, and call abortion a blessing.
But that’s because it’s Friday. Sunday’s comin’!
It’s Friday. People of hardened hearts guard the clinics and usher desperate women in to have their abortions, while keeping them from the pro-life people who want to give them hope.
But that’s because it’s Friday. Sunday’s comin’!
Hope does not mean that we ignore or minimize the evils around us. It means, rather, that we see the whole picture, which is that evil is conquered because of what happened one Sunday morning.
We are called to proclaim, celebrate, and serve that victory, waiting in joyful hope for Christ’s return and the full flowering of the Culture of Life!
Indeed, Sunday’s comin’!
This meditation, based on a sermon I once heard, is adapted for pro-life concerns.
It’s Friday. Jesus is on the cross. He has been killed by his enemies; he is off the scene.
But that’s because it’s Friday. Sunday’s comin’!
It’s Friday. Abortionists continue their work 3,300 times a day, tearing off the arms and legs of little babies and crushing their heads.
But that’s because it’s Friday. Sunday’s comin’!
It’s Friday. Pro-abortion groups receive blood money from billionaires who are as deceived as they are.
But that’s because it’s Friday. Sunday’s comin’!
It’s Friday. Liars attempt to speak for all women and hide the pain of abortion, and ignore the evidence of how it harms women, and call abortion a blessing.
But that’s because it’s Friday. Sunday’s comin’!
It’s Friday. People of hardened hearts guard the clinics and usher desperate women in to have their abortions, while keeping them from the pro-life people who want to give them hope.
But that’s because it’s Friday. Sunday’s comin’!
Hope does not mean that we ignore or minimize the evils around us. It means, rather, that we see the whole picture, which is that evil is conquered because of what happened one Sunday morning.
We are called to proclaim, celebrate, and serve that victory, waiting in joyful hope for Christ’s return and the full flowering of the Culture of Life!
Indeed, Sunday’s comin’!
10,000 Babies and their moms saved
10,000 Babies saved from abortion since 40 Days for Life began in 2007.
What a Wonderful Easter we will have, this Movement is growing...and growing...and growing...
This works!
What a Wonderful Easter we will have, this Movement is growing...and growing...and growing...
This works!
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
40 Days for Life on St. Patrick's Day.
We had a great Venue for our St. Patrick's Day 40 Days for Life, because Planned Parenthood moved last year to the street behind an Irish Pub! A lot of people saw us today on their way in.
Not all of our viewers were positive. One young lady blocked our prettiest baby picture with her car, then came and yelled at us some, 'What about the babies in Africa? Why don't you help them?' We were able to tell her that we do help them, and i offered that i spent 2 years without pay helping 3rd world poor. But where there is hostility, there is often great hurt...we have to keep that in mind. Who knew her background?
Prolife people have a poor image, and it's the media's fault. 40 Days for Life have been around since 2007, get almost no coverage, and we get a LOT of flak from pro-aborts. We give none back, only offer words of love and support.
So we told her we loved her.
But she was no trouble compared to the lady last week; who screamed at us, effed and blinded us up and down. However, I ended up having a drink with her in the Irish pub! We agreed that God accepts us all just the way we are...she needs prayer, because she is hurting deeply.
Not all of our viewers were positive. One young lady blocked our prettiest baby picture with her car, then came and yelled at us some, 'What about the babies in Africa? Why don't you help them?' We were able to tell her that we do help them, and i offered that i spent 2 years without pay helping 3rd world poor. But where there is hostility, there is often great hurt...we have to keep that in mind. Who knew her background?
Prolife people have a poor image, and it's the media's fault. 40 Days for Life have been around since 2007, get almost no coverage, and we get a LOT of flak from pro-aborts. We give none back, only offer words of love and support.
So we told her we loved her.
But she was no trouble compared to the lady last week; who screamed at us, effed and blinded us up and down. However, I ended up having a drink with her in the Irish pub! We agreed that God accepts us all just the way we are...she needs prayer, because she is hurting deeply.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Unresolved Grief following Abortion
Does it make anybody mad that the abortion lobby totally ignore the issue of unresolved grief following abortion? I saw Dr. Christensen's video who, while the nurse was making sure that they got all the baby's face out, remarked that the girl whose baby he had just hacked to pieces can now 'get on with her life.'
This makes me mad. Society had just given this girl permission to do this to her 20-week unborn child. She thought it was OK, evidently. If she had seen the baby's face with his tortured expression clearly evident, his eye torn out of the socket, she would have hated how she had been deceived.
I hope she never finds out. Even so, the reality of that child will hit her someday, unless she tries to stave it off by running from it, and incurring a case of Unresolved Grief in the process, with it's depression, addiction and rage.
It's just one of the abortion lobby's dirty secrets that women suffer from grief after an abortion. I mean, how can you grieve for a blob of tissue? A produce of conception?
The Abortion Lobby survives on deceit. Women deserve better.
As for Dr. Christensen, I am convinced that he hasn't done this young woman any favor at all.
Before you watch, this is graphic and distressing video.
resources for unresolved grief issues
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Friday, February 20, 2015
Hard Cases make Bad Law
It wasn't meant to be this way, it never was. England wasn't meant to have abortion on demand.
When Dr. Aleck Bourne performed an abortion on a 14-year old rape victim in 1938, he did so because he felt she would suffer great mental anguish if the pregnancy continued. That led doctors to perform more and more abortions and finally to the Abortion Act of 1967 which stated that if two doctors agree that continuing a pregnancy would be injurious of a woman's health, the pregnancy may be terminated.
And many decades after, I see a comment on a website that described how a 16-year old girl had been taken for an abortion, and was giggly afterwards from the sedation when her friend and her friend's mother took her to lunch. The writer was defending her view that abortion was no big deal.
Dr. Bourne did not anticipate that abortion would ever become an OK thing to do. Much later he saw that abortion on these grounds became abortion on demand. He became a founder of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children.
But Hard Cases make Bad Law.
When Dr. Aleck Bourne performed an abortion on a 14-year old rape victim in 1938, he did so because he felt she would suffer great mental anguish if the pregnancy continued. That led doctors to perform more and more abortions and finally to the Abortion Act of 1967 which stated that if two doctors agree that continuing a pregnancy would be injurious of a woman's health, the pregnancy may be terminated.
And many decades after, I see a comment on a website that described how a 16-year old girl had been taken for an abortion, and was giggly afterwards from the sedation when her friend and her friend's mother took her to lunch. The writer was defending her view that abortion was no big deal.
Dr. Bourne did not anticipate that abortion would ever become an OK thing to do. Much later he saw that abortion on these grounds became abortion on demand. He became a founder of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children.
But Hard Cases make Bad Law.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Ban late-term abortions.
If a preemie can experience pain, an unborn child can as well.
An unborn child CAN feel pain. Fetology experts are sure; the only differ as to from what stage. Some say as early as 8 weeks; all agree that pain is experienced intensely at 20. A preemie of 20 weeks can cry. If a preemie can feel pain, an unborn child of the same gestation can too.So what are we waiting for? Why isn't late-term abortion banned yesterday?
If a preemie can feel pain a fetus can also
Excerpted from:
The South Carolina state House has approved a pro-life bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks, because research shows unborn children can feel intense pain.
Called the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H3114) the measure received an 80-27 vote in the House and now moves to the state Senate. More than 18,000 ‘very late term’ abortions are performed every year on perfectly healthy unborn babies in America.
During the committee hearing, experts talked about unborn children and the pain they feel in abortions.
Dr. Stuart Hamilton, M.D., a Columbia University trained pediatrician and long-time supporter of pro-life legislation, described fetal development for members of the committee. He said he agrees with scientific research demonstrating the unborn child can feel pain at 20 weeks after fertilization.
“There is evidence for the probable appreciation of pain by 20 weeks gestation after fertilization,” Dr. Hamilton told the subcommittee. “Anatomically at 20 weeks, the examination of the nervous system displays the appropriate tracks in the central nervous system and the peripheral nerve fibers that are designed to transmit and carry pain impulses.” He went on to explain that at the age of 16 weeks, the baby’s body shows “substantial neurological maturation.” Even at 12 weeks, he said, “The immature constituents of these pathways are clearly visible with magnification.”
A father-son team of physicians also spoke in favor of the bill. Dr. Tom Austin, M.D., a retired neonatologist, and former director of Neonatology at the USC School of Medicine, defined pain as “a noxious insult that one attempts to avoid or repel.” In his practice he treated babies prematurely born at 18 to 22 weeks. “They did show response to stimuli,” he said. “They would respond, move, recoil.”
His son, also Dr. Tom Austin, M.D, is an obstetrician-gynocologist who practices in the Columbia area. He described his experience with delivering pre-mature infants. “I agree with my father. You can see the baby is trying to live.” He also criticized the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a national organization that supports abortion-on-demand. He described ACOG as being closely tied to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business. Dr. Austin said he is not affiliated with ACOG and instead has joined the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
South Carolina Citizens for Life, the state affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee which developed the model pain-capable legislation, the Catholic Diocese of Charleston, the South Carolina Baptist Convention, the Palmetto Family Council, and the North Greenville Christian World View Center are among the organizations supporting the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
One leading expert in the field of fetal pain, Dr. Kanwaljeet S. Anand at the University of Tennessee, stated in his expert report commissioned by the U.S. Department of Justice, “It is my opinion that the human fetus possesses the ability to experience pain from 20 weeks of gestation, if not earlier, and the pain perceived by a fetus is possibly more intense than that perceived by term newborns or older children.”
“The neural pathways are present for pain to be experienced quite early by unborn babies,” explains Steven Calvin, M.D., perinatologist, chair of the Program in Human Rights Medicine, University of Minnesota, where he teaches obstetrics.
The South Carolina state House has approved a pro-life bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks, because research shows unborn children can feel intense pain.
Called the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H3114) the measure received an 80-27 vote in the House and now moves to the state Senate. More than 18,000 ‘very late term’ abortions are performed every year on perfectly healthy unborn babies in America.
During the committee hearing, experts talked about unborn children and the pain they feel in abortions.
Dr. Stuart Hamilton, M.D., a Columbia University trained pediatrician and long-time supporter of pro-life legislation, described fetal development for members of the committee. He said he agrees with scientific research demonstrating the unborn child can feel pain at 20 weeks after fertilization.
“There is evidence for the probable appreciation of pain by 20 weeks gestation after fertilization,” Dr. Hamilton told the subcommittee. “Anatomically at 20 weeks, the examination of the nervous system displays the appropriate tracks in the central nervous system and the peripheral nerve fibers that are designed to transmit and carry pain impulses.” He went on to explain that at the age of 16 weeks, the baby’s body shows “substantial neurological maturation.” Even at 12 weeks, he said, “The immature constituents of these pathways are clearly visible with magnification.”
A father-son team of physicians also spoke in favor of the bill. Dr. Tom Austin, M.D., a retired neonatologist, and former director of Neonatology at the USC School of Medicine, defined pain as “a noxious insult that one attempts to avoid or repel.” In his practice he treated babies prematurely born at 18 to 22 weeks. “They did show response to stimuli,” he said. “They would respond, move, recoil.”
His son, also Dr. Tom Austin, M.D, is an obstetrician-gynocologist who practices in the Columbia area. He described his experience with delivering pre-mature infants. “I agree with my father. You can see the baby is trying to live.” He also criticized the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, a national organization that supports abortion-on-demand. He described ACOG as being closely tied to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion business. Dr. Austin said he is not affiliated with ACOG and instead has joined the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
South Carolina Citizens for Life, the state affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee which developed the model pain-capable legislation, the Catholic Diocese of Charleston, the South Carolina Baptist Convention, the Palmetto Family Council, and the North Greenville Christian World View Center are among the organizations supporting the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
One leading expert in the field of fetal pain, Dr. Kanwaljeet S. Anand at the University of Tennessee, stated in his expert report commissioned by the U.S. Department of Justice, “It is my opinion that the human fetus possesses the ability to experience pain from 20 weeks of gestation, if not earlier, and the pain perceived by a fetus is possibly more intense than that perceived by term newborns or older children.”
“The neural pathways are present for pain to be experienced quite early by unborn babies,” explains Steven Calvin, M.D., perinatologist, chair of the Program in Human Rights Medicine, University of Minnesota, where he teaches obstetrics.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Perinatal Hospice Care
If your unborn child has only a limited time to live, please don't have him/her torn limb from limb, stabbed in the chest with poison, and without anesthesia, because it is standard practice to deny anesthesia even after 20 weeks, when it is certain that pain receptors are present and working perfectly. Here are some testimonies from parents who chose not to terminate their pregnancies:
My entire family wanted me to terminate (I still can’t bring myself to write “abort”). They thought it would be easier on me. In the end everyone was so glad that I decided to continue. We all fell in love with her.—Jamie
A perinatologist said things to us like “the outcome will be the same” even if we didn’t induce prematurely. Now that I’m stronger emotionally, I know that the outcome would not be the same. We would not have had all of the special time to share with Gianna during her life in my womb. We would not have been able to share some amazing, precious moments with our baby and our sons.—Jennifer
I really have peace that we carried her to term. I know in my heart that I have given my daughter all that I could and loved her every day of her life.—Annette
Another very moving story to check out - by Hilary Ní Lorcháin.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Language of Killing - and the 'Tone' of course.
This is an old Blog Post from January last. I was reminded of it during the last few days. The blog refers to a German movie with English subtitles; there is an English version too 'Conspiracy' from 2001 with Kenneth Branagh in the lead role. It is relevant because of the words and phrases chosen to describe killing people, in this case, the Jews.
I’ve been watching a very interesting and disturbing movie, named ‘Die Wanseekconferenze’. (The Wansee Conference, a German 1984 production, English subtitles). This was a meeting between high-ranking Nazis and SS held in January 1942. Its purpose was to present ‘the Final Solution’. We all know what that was, though it doesn’t say so directly – mass murder on millions of people perceived to be in the way of the Third Reich.
I’ve been watching a very interesting and disturbing movie, named ‘Die Wanseekconferenze’. (The Wansee Conference, a German 1984 production, English subtitles). This was a meeting between high-ranking Nazis and SS held in January 1942. Its purpose was to present ‘the Final Solution’. We all know what that was, though it doesn’t say so directly – mass murder on millions of people perceived to be in the way of the Third Reich.
There’s a roomful of men present, and one woman to take the
minutes. After a drink in the drawing room, Himmler’s second-in-command,
General Reinhardt Heydrich, enters and briefs the men upon the plan.
Part of this grim plan was to transport the Jews East, put
them to work in labor camps, and expect that through ‘natural causes’ (i.e.
worked to death in freezing conditions, though this is not of course alluded to
directly) many will die – the survivors were to be dealt with ‘appropriately’. There is talk of trucks and deadly gases and special centers where the Final Solution will be implemented.
The Language gripped me. Never once do they use the word ‘Kill.’
There is no allusion to Suffering, Pain, Heartache, Agony, Sickness,
inference at this conference (the script taken from the Minutes) but that they
are doing anything but Good.
In an informal moment before the meeting begins, Eichmann,
the man in charge of the Deportations, must show a little truth. He has heard
that trains are being damaged; windows broken, and he has to inform his
superior, and the reason for the damage is because ‘they (the Jews) want the
ice’ ‘Why?’ asks his senior officer. ‘Thirst,’ replies Eichmann, almost embarrassed to
mention that uncomfortable truth. He
also alluded to ‘elderly, kids’ – this however is dismissed – nobody wants to
humanize the People destined for death.
And so Language is very important. After all, the Nazis want
to be nice, civilized people. Cultured, with Families, they are not beasts – oh
and certainly would not wish to be thought evil, of anybody, their neighbours,
or for that matter the English, or Americans, or History. History will thank
them – they are sure of it! In their world, this Nazi culture, they are
not doing anything wrong. It is a part of being civilized, to get rid of
the people who are in the way. Personable, good-looking men, well-groomed,
jocose – you would not hesitate to ask any of them for directions if you were
lost, and you would get very polite instructions. You would go upon your way
thinking – ‘Nice guy.’
And they fool even themselves.
What of the language of Abortion? Do we ever hear the word ‘Kill’?
Aren’t those doctors and nurses who work in abortion clinics very nice,
personable – oh, they do not look like they would do anything bad! They do not
think they are doing anything bad! They have fooled themselves too. In this
culture of acceptable killing, they do not have to question themselves – it’s legal! I know this because I worked in a National Health Hospital in England where abortions were done. To my shame, I even took part in one. But everything Hitler did was
legal as well! There are sometimes very bad laws!
ProChoice people never speak of Death. They do not even
speak of Life. ‘Life,’ insists, Cécile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood,
begins at birth, (So why check for a
heartbeat at prenatal checks? Why keep a Kick Chart?) The language of
Choice does not use the word ‘Baby’. When referring to Abortion, the phrases
are ‘Fetal Tissue.’ ‘Products of Conception.’ Suffering and pain during an
Abortion? TABOO! If a wanted fetus needs surgery, anesthesia is provided. If he
or she is to be aborted, the arms and legs may be pulled off without a thought
as to sensation.
They are seen on ultrasound to scream, but because the vocal
cords receive amniotic fluid instead of air, the screams are not heard. Medical
Pathology students have noted expressions of agony on the faces of mid to late-term
aborted babies.
Choice depends upon Language. Take it away, and you have
nothing that a civilized people would want anything to do with. Suffering and
Death. Yes, there are crisis pregnancies, many of them – but Abortion is not an
acceptable solution. Death is Final, and the baby cannot come back, no matter
how much the abortion is regretted later. And above all, the ProChoice lobby
must keep the Language of Choice for those most directly involved – the mothers.
They end pregnancies, no there’s nothing there, it’s not a baby yet, it won’t
feel anything. You’ll get on with your life.
A Message: God is Merciful. He forgives, when we acknowledge our sin.
A Message: God is Merciful. He forgives, when we acknowledge our sin.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
How many babies make 150 lbs of ash?
from Shawn Carney's Blog:
I spoke at a pregnancy center dinner and afterwards was visiting with attendees. As it got late, the room emptied out — and one of the center’s staff members came up to introduce herself. She had a sweet and joyful face and told me that she wanted to share her story of how she first got involved in the pro-life movement. As she began to speak, her change in tone suggested it was not a typical path. I quickly learned that was the case.
She had worked at a very large Planned Parenthood abortion facility near a major city. She justified her job because she did bookkeeping and other business tasks that were separated (she thought) from what went on in the rooms next door where the abortions were done.
She relayed this information to me very comfortably and then said, “But that all changed in an instant one day when I was sitting at my desk.” She then, in a troubled tone, said that she opened and read an invoice. “The invoice was to Planned Parenthood from the local morgue. It was for $350.” As she scanned the invoice to see what it was for, the reality of abortion hit her.
She continued, “The service listed was in bold letters that pierced my heart: CREMATION SERVICE FOR 150 POUNDS OF MEDICAL WASTE.”
My heart sank.
She looked me in the eye and said, “Shawn, the question I had to ask myself as I stared at that invoice was what first got me involved in the pro-life movement. The question that pierced my heart was: How many babies have to be aborted to add up to 150 pounds of ash?”
I didn’t know the answer. And a big part of me didn’t want to know the answer.
She went on to tell me how she resigned from the abortion industry and began working for a local pregnancy center to help women in need and to welcome babies into the world.
I spoke at a pregnancy center dinner and afterwards was visiting with attendees. As it got late, the room emptied out — and one of the center’s staff members came up to introduce herself. She had a sweet and joyful face and told me that she wanted to share her story of how she first got involved in the pro-life movement. As she began to speak, her change in tone suggested it was not a typical path. I quickly learned that was the case.
She had worked at a very large Planned Parenthood abortion facility near a major city. She justified her job because she did bookkeeping and other business tasks that were separated (she thought) from what went on in the rooms next door where the abortions were done.
She relayed this information to me very comfortably and then said, “But that all changed in an instant one day when I was sitting at my desk.” She then, in a troubled tone, said that she opened and read an invoice. “The invoice was to Planned Parenthood from the local morgue. It was for $350.” As she scanned the invoice to see what it was for, the reality of abortion hit her.
She continued, “The service listed was in bold letters that pierced my heart: CREMATION SERVICE FOR 150 POUNDS OF MEDICAL WASTE.”
My heart sank.
She looked me in the eye and said, “Shawn, the question I had to ask myself as I stared at that invoice was what first got me involved in the pro-life movement. The question that pierced my heart was: How many babies have to be aborted to add up to 150 pounds of ash?”
I didn’t know the answer. And a big part of me didn’t want to know the answer.
She went on to tell me how she resigned from the abortion industry and began working for a local pregnancy center to help women in need and to welcome babies into the world.
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